Monday, July 11, 2011 far

I was going to title this "Summer Lovin'" because we have been LOVING summer. Then I decided that song titles as post titles are just too I went for boring. Anyway, I digress, which I shouldn't because I just downloaded 260 photos off of my camera, so clearly I have no time to waste babbling and should get on with this post.

We've been seriously so busy. July is by FAR the busiest month of the entire year. My house is almost constantly a wreck because of it, but I'm having too much fun with the kids to care. We'll clean in the winter when it's too cold for anything else, right? Again, digressing....I think I drank too much diet coke. My brain is allll over the place. I have tons of pictures to share, so if you get bored, I'm sorry. I'll try and keep this a brief as possible. Let's face it, half of you just scroll through the photos without reading this rambling anyway....right, mom? :)

Here's what's taken place in the past 3 weeks:

Play dates 

Yep, she drives.

his poor cheeks barely squeeze into that vest 

Sprite ad ;) she was sooo excited to share that can with me

Tristan loved it when uncle Jed dipped him into the cold lake.
 He would looked shocked each time then say "water water, again again!" So cute.
Addie took a quick dip with Blake too....brrrr!

chatting with dad on the back of the boat

sacked out on the boat, motor running= baby tranquilizer.

my cute friends

Tristan took over Addie's sunglasses..whatever, he works it out.

West Haven Days/Impromptu neighborhood backyard water bash

Dalton workin' out the metro western look.

Lucy and Addie waiting for the parade (why does Addie do that in every picture? I can't see her face. ah well) The parade rocked. It was like 30 minutes and they got a sack full of candy.
 Cherry Days, you could learn a thing or two from these folks out west.

Jed and Jordan looking as cool as two dudes holding infants can.

Bouncy Stuff! I wish I could have one of these babies behind my house. I'd never have to entertain my kid again. She went through the obstacle course over and over and over.

Tristan loved it too! Just needed a little assistance.

Ash and Tristan on the BIG slide

Afterwards, we got all suited up and took the kids to the pool....and it was closed. LAME. We didn't let that get us down though. We borrowed Jordan and Laura's sprinkler and kiddie pool and the kids had a riot

Total difference between boys and girls.
Tristan in the middle of the sprinkler....

 Addie and Lucy like the water, but apparently needed umbrellas if it was going to be spraying in the air.
 such. girls.

Neighbor friend Kallie came over and joined in the fun too. It ended up being a total blast!

 Skylee's Blessing
My cute, sweet niece, Skylee was blessed last Sunday.

Isn't she so pretty? Love her.

The 4th of July 
My patriotic kids
 (wish you could see Addie's SUPER cute hair bow Laura made) 

and patriotic cupcakes

Addie's new favorite thing to do at Grammy's pool...jump onto a floatie from the side of the pool

ta-da! that's what she really said.

This may look like a public pool, or the one in our neighborhood....nope. It's just our immediate family and their kids at my mom's. We were actually missing my brother's family and a few others aren't in this shot. Imagine what this shin dig will look like 10 years from now!

Lacey and her trooper. 4 kids, all 5 and under without James there. Gold mom star, Lacey.

Bryan's noodle rainbow. He was seriously impressed with himself. Made me take this picture.

After the annual pool party, it was off to the annual BBQ/Fireworks party at the Weller's!
Tristan approving of aunt Ashley's cute star pie pops

Emmett rockin' on the horse

Me and my little family watching the fireworks 
Jed gave Addie earplugs this time, so she stayed outside :)

 Ash and Ian

Slip, slidin' summertime fun

Jed scored more dad points yesterday. He went to home depot with Addie and came home with a 50 foot long sheet of plastic painter's sheet. He hooked up a sprinkler, applied a little dish soap and the kids (and adults) were off to crazy fun town.

Addie and Lucy going down ever so daintily 

Jordan and Jed, not so much. Lol
Pretty sure they played on it for like an hour longer than the girls would have.

I took a couple of turns. I went pretty much grandma-style, as to not further injure myself. Stupid back. It's so lame. Maybe I'll share the details of my being a gimp in another post. 
This one's already pushing it on the length.

I can't end a blog post without a picture of food, right? 
(yes, I'm aware I already showed cupcakes. Hey, I left out some others during editing lol)
Happy Birthday, Gramp! We celebrated Jed's grandpa's birthday last night. 
I made a little cake for it :)

Now I'll end this post, since it's pushing 1am. Dang it, I'm struggling with getting to bed before midnight lately. It's a problem seeing as I get up two or three times a night too...I should work on that. Coming up on future posts.....Jed's birthday, more playing/swimming/boating I'm sure, and hopefully an actual update on my kids. For now, good night.


Unknown said...

Wow girl! You guys have been busy! Love all the pictures. I need to come live with u cause the rest of my month is BORING!

Ps. I agree about cherry days parade... They suck at giving candy

Niki said...

So cute, you are one busy mother! Miss you guys!
P.S. I read every word!

Melissa Rees said...

Ok my back sucks too, but what's going on with yours? I can still hear Brian laughing about that rainbow!! I need some of the pictures that Jed took with your camera of our family, I think he was taking some when Terry was throwing Evan up in the air. LOVE Dalton in that hat!!

McBride Family said...

how did I not know your m om has a pool?! love summer fun!

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

I'm totally with you on having fun and enjoying summer and putting off the house cleaning until winter. :) Glad you are having a good summer!

Janiel said...

Wow!! You have been having tons of fun! I love all your desserts!!