Monday, June 30, 2008

Welcome Baby Beckam!

After MUCH anticipation, Beckam Derek Rees was born June 27th. Tammy was almost a full week over her due date and was such a trooper. He came into the world weighing a respectable 9 lbs. 1 0z. and measured 21.5 inches long! Big boy! He has big hands and feet- already bigger than Addie's! He's a sweet little cutie and his mom and dad couldn't be happier. It was so neat to see them as a little family at the hospital- Tammy looked GREAT for having a baby the night before!
Congratulations Derek and Tammy! You will be such great parents. Beckam is so lucky to have been born into such a good home. We're so happy that he's a part of our family now. We love you three!


Pieces of Us said...

Aren't we so cute? Haha, Jk. He was actually born on June 26 though =)