Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good Morning Baltimore

Yes, the title to this post is random. This is a pretty random post so I figured why not, especially since I've had that song in my head for about 6 days straight. Addie has discovered the movie "Hairspray" and needless to say, we've watched it like 5 times in a week. She dances around the house singing "Good morning Baltimorrrre!....I've got my hairspraaaay and radioooo.....and me!" It's quite the show :) Oh AND I made the mistake of telling her I have it on my iPod so you can imagine what we've been listening to in the car. Anyway...I digress....on to my random pictures of what we've been up to.

With summer winding down, we've been home a lot more.....Addie cracks me up with how she entertains herself. She likes to put her friends (aka stuffed animals) and princesses to bed. She lined them all up one day and covered them with every blanket in her room. Usually she'll just put one baby doll or something to bed, but I guess they were all very tired.

She'll also do something random or weird and ask me to take a picture.
Afterwards she demands to see it on my phone.

She makes toys or her princesses kiss
She found her two same-same bunny pez dispensers and made them kiss.....
I'm wondering if we're going to end up with a bunch of baby bunny pez's now ;)

She took over "George" Jed's childhood gorilla that's a little creepy.
She's always been afraid of it, but it seems that they're friends now.

Helping daddy mow the office lawn....she's getting too big!

Back to school time! Which for us, really means nothing. Okay well not nothing.
It means EMPTY parks!
Yes, really literally empty.
I have NEVER seen the splash pad empty like this. On the first day of school however it was Addie's very own. Well hers and her buddy Max's. I think she would have been bored if she didn't have a friend there. For my friends who went to the splash pad with me this summer when it was crazy crowded- yes, this IS the same place. Crazy eh?
Addie even used her cute girly skills to get Max to touch water. Well done.

Friday night, Jed and Addie had some daddy-daughter bonding while I went to Park City with my mom
She got to help him work, "I went to salt lake with daddy. We went to a guy's house and I didn't touch his stuff" then they played at the park and ate burgers. The next morning she even got daddy to watch "Hairspray" with her and let her have popcorn. Oh this was after he took her to get a pink bagel. Spoiled much? mom and I went up to Swiss Days. It was fun but HOT.
We spent Saturday shopping at the outlet malls. We got some great deals on some fall clothes for Addie. Score. Oh and we ate some treats.
This was day two of one also included an apple from RMCF and and eclair. Oh and I almost forgot about that scone at Swiss Days....hey we haven't gone anywhere together alone for years! Had to make up for it, right?

It was good that I found Addie some fall outfits, because she's gotten too tall for all her pants, and this week got quite chilly. I've been loving this weather and I hope it lasts a few months before winter comes :) I even hope for a few more warmer days so we can get a last swim day in.
For now, we're just enjoying being able to play at parks without slides burning Addie's bum and me sweating like crazy. Love it.

Oh, and I know this post has had tons of Addie pictures, but look how long her hair has gotten.
My baby girl is growing up and getting so big.


Lori said...

her hair is SO long, how crazy and cute.

i'm glad you and your mom had a good time at Swiss Days.

Niki said...

Sometimes random posts are the best, I have decided that our girls are growing up way to fast. We need to figure out how to stop them somehow!

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

Looks like fun! I agree, I love fall, both for the weather and the lack of people everywhere after back to school. I need to make a trip to Park City--all of Brynn's pants are floods, too. A good excuse to go shopping! Oh, and gotta love daddy-daughter adventures :)

Janiel said...

Oh so much fun!! I'm so jealous about Park City and all the shopping :) Addie is such a cutie!!

Megan said...

We go to Swiss Days on Saturday at 8AM - to beat the heat. In fact, it is COLD. I didn't make it to the outlets - tear. I need to get some Fall kids for the kiddos. But I did see those GINORMOUS scones. Geesh. What a fun weekend for you guys!