Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What my kids love/why I love my kids

Addison Loves.....
 to help me bake. While wearing cute aprons. She especially loves licking the bowel or spoon.
I love that she has something that she enjoys doing with me. I also love that she enables me to bake :)

If there's music, she's twirling and dancing. Yes, even in the middle of Hobby Lobby. She starts dance classes this fall. Pretty sure she's going to love it.
I love that she can just be in her own little girl world no matter where we are and not care who's watching.

Putting on random items of clothing...
like pajamas paired with my snow boots and her mittens that are way too small. It IS August, but I guess she missed that memo that it's 97 degrees out. Whatever, she works it out ;)
I love that when she puts something of mine on she says, "Look, I'm mommy!" then laughs hysterically

Eating ice cream. Especially in the company of her Daddy.
Hello Farr's....do you think that's a titch big for a single scoop? Ah well. 
I love that something simple like and ice cream cone is a whole adventure that makes her day.

Pretending to sleep in random places 
Like her brothers baby tub in my living room....

Or in the middle of Hobby Lobby (do I go there too often? nah.)
I love that she will sometimes let me pretend too and let me lay on the couch as she covers me with blankets. Ahhh...if only it lasted more than a couple of minutes ;)

 Playing on the beach
This may be her all time favorite activity...who can blame her. It's beautiful, not another person in site, cheetos and capri suns are around, and her papa who will pull her on the tube behind the boat. Lucky girl.
I absolutely love spending this kind of time with her. Away from everything, just soaking up the sun, breathing fresh air and watching her play. It's the best I tell you, the best.

Playing silly games with her brother
Like "this is our tent mom. We are camping and I'm asleep" She's under than purple blanket lol. Look at Dalton. What a freaking sweet happy baby. He just rolls with it and giggles at her. 
I LOVE that they already "play" together.

Dalton loves....
Being almost too pretty to be a boy ;)
Okay, well that's a lie. He could care less. I love it though. He's handsome :)

 Eating! Real food!
We started rice cereal last week. He embraced it as well as I'd assumed he would. He watches me whenever I put something in my mouth and licks his lips like he wants it. It's so cute. It makes me want to share, but I don't since he doesn't even have teeth yet. 
I love that he loves food as much as I do. That's my boy!

We tried squash yesterday. Win. He's a fan. 
I'm a fan of making baby food. It couldn't be easier. Awesome.

Dressing in random cute onesies
 Okay, well again I think just I love this. He tolerates it though :)

Swimming at Grammy's house
Nice warm water and some shade make it the perfect spot for him to kick his little feet and relax in the pool.
I love that he is good in the water. We're a water family and Addie is a serious fan of anything to do with water. Get used to it kid, this family swims and boats until it's too cold outside to do so! 

I should mention he's rolling ALL over the place and totally trying to crawl! Ah! Stop growing, baby boy....

Addie and Dalton LOVE....
Each other!!
I LOVE that they love each other! 
Nothing makes my heart happier than watching Dalton squeal and giggle as Addie sings him a song, plays with him or gives him loves. Then other day, she was playing hide n seek with him. He stayed in his jumper then entire time. She would leave and count and come back and find him. SO random. But hey, they both laughed and thought it was great. These two are my favorites.

 One last thing before I end this love-filled post. We celebrated my mom's birthday Sunday. Go me. Look, I took HER picture instead of one of the cupcakes I made! Unprecedented ;)
Happy Birthday, Mom!

To not disappoint and shock anyone, here's a picture of cupcakes from last week. Drool on.

Hope you're all enjoying the end of Summer.....we are!


Megan said...

Mmmm. Now that is a good way to end your post. I remember when Anna & Evan started 'playing' together & the way Evan would light up when he saw Anna. It is honestly one of my favorite parts of parenting. Now if those moments would just out-weigh the ones of them stealing from each other or hitting, I would be set. lol.

Melissa Rees said...

Oh Dalton! The cuteness never ends. Reading about Addie taking dance classes makes me seriously want a girl. Like now. What if I don't get one?!

Netti said...

I absolutely loved this post Jenny! Your kids are going to love reading this when they grow up. Little cutie pies!

That picture of Dalton swimming, oh my gosh, his chubbyness is making me so happy! Oh, and the one of him and your Mom, SO CUTE!!

I need to meet him before he starts crawling and his chub melts off, we better plan something!