Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Halloween Parties (I forgot to post this, whoops)

I remember a time when Jed and I would converse about Halloween and costumes and always say, "well do we really have a reason to dress up? Are we even doing anything on Halloween?"...Ha, this was before kids 

Now we have parties and functions galore all month! It's a lot of fun, plus it made me feel like the effort I put into making costumes was well worth it. So here are a few parties we attended this year...

 Primary Party
Our ward didn't do a whole ward party, just a primary carnival type gig. It was pretty short and chill, but Addie seemed to have fun with her friends.

Party at Grandma and Grandpa Rees's
Bumble Bee London (I made her bee tutu and headband) Isn't she cute?

Couple lady bugs and a bee :)

The cupcake walk was kind of a fail, but the kids didn't know, so it's all good!

The whole crew....this picture grows every year, love it!!

Weller Party
Tristan the pirate

attempting/failing once again to take a photo of all four kids....

and some of the other peeps
Whit and Chris as 80s, Ash and Ian were a devil and angel and Kacey and I made her cute ghost tutu costume (like how most "sewing" I do is just tutus? lol)

 Preschool Party
I helped out with Addie's preschool was mass hysteria but fun!

This was the craft I helped with...needless to say, my hands were blackish for a couple of days

Finished up our Halloween with some trick or treating with daddy....
Hope you all had some fun times too!