Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Random Stuff

I thought of some random stuff that I thought I'd share....This is what comes of being up at 1am not being able to sleep...

* iReader- From your iGoogle or Gmail page you can go to a page where you put all of your blogs that you read in and it will show you any new posts on them. I have become a big blogging fan, so it is so cool to just go to one page to check rather than checking individual blogs (Thanks Lori) I'll give instructions to anyone interested.....haha maybe everyone else already knows!
* Only for those who have a sense of humor! This is basically a mockery of a newlywed blog. It is hilarious to read just for kicks. Jed's cousin Rhett told us about it and Jed laughed so hard reading through it.
* Gas Card Promotion- My real estate team is doing a promotion for buyers right now. Anybody to close on a home with us before September 30th will get a gas card for $250, $500, or $1000 depending on the price of the home. Let me know if you're in the market for a house and I'll give details.
*Addie's stats- I took Addie for her six month check-up the other day and here are her stats- She weighs 15.5 lbs , 25.75 inches long and is healthy :) She had to get shots which I hate even more than she does, but she's a tough girl.
*Dresses anywhere?- So we have 2 weddings coming up in the next couple of months and I decided that shopping for "modest" dresses sucks, especially when you need a certain color. I can't wear most things out there, and the stores that specialize in dresses for us LDS friends want me to pay $200 or more for a dress that I'll never wear again. I'm not necessarily asking for a solution....mostly just want to rant about it.


Lori said...

tee hee. i like your random list. :) i'm glad google reader has changed your life...doesn't it save you SO much time? goodness.

as for dresses, i know this is going to sound dreadful and very mumu-ish... but SOMETIMES i find some really cute and stylish things at the Dress Barn. You have to look hard. ;) I got a really cute dress there about a month ago and it was only $35. Granted, it's not the best quality but it lasted me for the function I needed it for and I just wear it to church now....

when are we going to play? we need to take the babies swimming. maybe we should go to that splash pad in South Ogden. call me!

Melissa Rees said...

I tried to read that blog and it said it didn't exist! Is it just me? I think there is a dress store in Layton by Denny's called Modern by Design. I'm pretty sure they have dresses there. Good luck!

C and C Young said...

I heart google reader! I wish I knew a good place to find a dress for a wedding--I have to go to one in Sept and am having the same trauma.

Megan said...

I heart google reader too! Shopping for dresses for wedding is super lame. I am glad I haven't had to do it much - not since my little sis got married. My brother is getting married, but hasn't mentioned us buying any dresses and I hope it stays that way.

I saw that blog on somebodies list and I thought it was so funny...mostly because it is so true.

Jenny said...

Melissa, for the blog to work you can't put www first just

And apparently I am on the tail end of figuring out the ireader- haha figures..

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

I am so glad you commented on my blog. I heard you married Jed which is funny cause my sister used to date him back in the day. Nice family. What is Blake up to? You will have to give me the details. What does Jed do? Your girl is adorable. how fun that they are so close in age. Are you loving being a mom? Hope you don't mind if I continue to check your blog. And you are not the last to find out about this ireader thing. I don't think that i have used it. I guess I need to go check it out so thanks for the tip!

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

Ok sorry if I read the side of your blog I wouldn't have to ask what Jed was up to. Home theater systems sounds like a Weller thing to do. Sounds like you guys are doing so great. You will have to give me some ireader instructions so I am not left in the dark.