The following took place while riding in the car today.
Addie started talking. Then didn't stop. This isn't a rare occurrence....
She said "oh, look what I colored mommy!" I replied "good job baby, maybe you can show Grammy."
"Yes. I'll show Grammy Rees what I made. And we'll see her. And she'll give me loves and 'nother loves and a kiss and kisses...Oh look over there! Horses!! Oh I see them! They're over there. There's looots of animals. I see them. We should play outside today...or maybe we can put my swimming suit on and go swimming!...I need some lunch first."
I started thinking to myself holy cow this girl can ramble and just keep talking! Before I could complete this thought, my brain flashed back to a scene of Monday evening. Jed and I were at the gym and had just gotten done. As I got off the elliptical machine, Jed mentioned how hot it was in there tonight.
My reply:
"It's like a thousand degrees in here I swear.....Wow, as soon as you get off the machine it feels ten degrees cooler, that's weird. I think it's hotter back here than on the other machines, but I do think it's a better workout....I still can't decide what's helping my back and what's making it worse though. You know, my dad said his bike helps his back...maybe RPM class really is better."
Jed started laughing to himself and I gave him a huh? look and he just said "I love you"...that was followed by another huh? look. "You talk a lot." I hadn't even noticed that I'd been talking for over a minute straight.
So flash back to the car soon as I recalled that event I thought Oh, that's right....It's no mystery where she gets it from.
So, um basically....I have no room to talk. No pun intended ;)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
oh, that's right...
Posted by Jenny at 12:28 PM 6 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day Weekend
I'm pretty sure that Addie and I are the luckiest girls ever--look at all the fathers we've got in our life! I'm so glad that Addie is blessed to be surrounded by so many who ADORE her.
Grandpa Randy
Papa Steve
Grandpa ReesNot to mention all the great-grandpas, uncles and friends. She's a loved little girl.
So, how did we celebrate Father's Day? Well, let's just say it involved a lot of food, fun and of course loves from Addison.
Per Jed's request, we went to Pat's BBQ for lunch with my dad and Bryan yesterday. The guys all loved the food, especially the ribs. Here's me trying to hang with the guys and eat a rib like a dude and not with a fork and knife like I generally do.Addie is so cute with Bryan and she kept giving him loves. He came along with us after lunch to the Gateway, where we walked through the Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival. It was fun to see all the cool drawings and Addie had a ball being able to be outside and dance to the music.
"Oh it's Tinkerbell!"
I spent the evening baking up some treats for the dads in my life. We got to relax this morning and then later we visited Danny, where we helped him eat some of the (best I've ever made!) Red Velvet cake. Then it was off to Steve's for a BBQ with Jed's family. Yep, more food, including another dessert I'd made, a Pistachio torte. It was a dessert-and-fun-filled day! I sure love these two! Jed's the best daddy I could ever hoped to have for my sweet little girl. I'm so blessed to have him.
On another note, my thoughts have been turned several times today to loved ones of mine who have lost their father or husband. Days like this are bittersweet and my heart goes out to those who feel this loss.
Posted by Jenny at 10:53 PM 9 comments
What we've been up to
Well since the weather can't seem to make up its mind, we've been back and forth with outdoor activities. Addie LOVES to play outside and even more so if it includes water. So, every warm or warmish day we've had has been spent outside.
She wore an itsy bitsy...We've been swimming and splash padding it up and enjoying the sunshine!
It got cold enough last weekend that Addie and I had to break out the warm jammies for our movie night. I even had to turn on the heater.
Then, of course it warmed back up :) We took some strolls around the block. Snow White accompanied us of course.
I also proved that I could indeed go down the slide at the park with two, two-year-olds on my lap. Go me.
Long lost friend play date
My friend Lori and her girls Reagan and Jaylee are in town so we got to play with them on Thursday. It was so much fun to see them again! We hadn't seen the girls since December so it was so fun to reunite our little friends. I sure love all these girls and we miss them a lot.
Any day that includes swings and cupcakes is a good day!
And to wrap the week up...a little more swimming...had to break in Grammy's pool :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:57 PM 5 comments
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Happy Father's Day
Hope everyone has a great Father's Day tomorrow....I'm behind on updates and have a TON of pictures to share from the past couple of weeks. For today though, I just wanted to wish my dad, step dad, grandpas, uncles, brothers, friends and especially my amazing husband Happy Father's Day! Love you all!
Here's what Addie had to say about daddies this morning:
That's right. Daddies rule. The end.
Posted by Jenny at 7:42 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 7, 2010
Bring on the Summer
Summer has arrived! (do you like how it went from the 40's to 70's to 80's all in like 2 weeks or something??) We've been taking advantage of the sunshine. We've had several picnics, outings to the park, walks and just plain old running around outside. It's been awesome. I know it is somewhat short lived, because soon it will be too hot to be outside during the day unless you're in or being splashed by cool water. In the meantime....we're going to live up this lifestyle!
Park Playing!Um, so I'm pretty sure I've got some of the cutest kids ever as nephews and nieces. Addie LOVES her cousins!
Cute baby NixonHe slept most of the time, but I was able to snap a shot of him awake when he decided to eat.
Baby Evan pretty much just did this the whole time....isn't he a sweetie?
Don't be jealous of Beckam's physique...he works out The splash pad part of the park was open, but it wasn't super warm yet so I didn't think about having the kids bring swimming suits. No worries, Beckam just requested to be shirtless and Addie and Deacon just played and got wet fully clothed. That's part of the fun right?
Addie kept saying "I'm a little bit wet!"
BBQ-ing it up
We've been long awaiting the weekend it would be nice enough out to grill up some delicious food and hang with our neighbor friends. Yay it finally happened! These three girls are so cute...all only a month apart.I'm sure they were having some awesome conversations.
Sharing Lucy's daddy's lap....Addie seriously LOVES Jordan.
Then the girls convinced Brian to push them up and down the hill in Addie's car. They even wanted to help him out....actually come to think of it, I started pushing them in it and was quickly demoted. Daddies are cooler I guess
A little baking too....well no-bake bakingTook a small break from outside to make some peanut butter bars on Sunday. Addie loves to help me bake. As you can see, she makes sure that it's good before we go sharing it. Don't you love her cute little apron? Jed's co-worker Pam made it for her and she loves it- so darling!
Then it was back to picnic in the park today!Addie and Max had a ball and wore themselves out. They both came back to our house and crashed.
Happy 60th Anniversary Darrell and Lynette! (aka Gram and Gramp)
We got to spend the evening tonight at the Timbermine celebrating with them and had a wonderful time.We love you and are blessed to have you as examples in our lives!
Seems like summer time is full of parties, get-togethers and endless fun. We're SO ready this year. We can't wait for camping, fireworks, swimming, and all the other summer time stuff!
Posted by Jenny at 11:00 PM 12 comments
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A long weekend and a short year
It was so very splendid to have a long weekend over Memorial Day. Jed usually works a lot on Saturdays with Plutonium, but he was home at noon and we got him the REST OF THE WEEKEND! It was awesome. We had our friends over on Saturday evening for dinner (too busy eating/playing and didn't snap any shots). Jed grilled up his famous Argi-style skirt steak and we had fun chatting and watching the girls play together. Addie and their little girl Lucy are only 3 weeks apart and such cute friends. Love it.
Sunday was nice and relaxing. I got to sleep in because Addie now realizes that Sunday mornings daddy is home and she'll request "mommy, you stay here and go back to bed" so that she can cuddle with her daddy down on the couch and watch shows. This week it was "I cuddled with daddy and watched the Yoda show". Nice. Hey, I'll take it!
Monday was pretty low key. We grabbed some breakfast and then washed all our cars. Addie LOVES washing the cars with daddy. One of her favorite things to do. In fact, she was annoyed the other day when I said I was going to go wash my car and meant at a car wash. She thought we were going out to play with water, not getting IN the car. When we pulled into the car wash, a guy was vacuuming his car out and she said "that's not daddy!" Sooo it would seem only daddy really ever washes the cars.She was so soaked with water that I had to change her outfit. She was freezing because it wasn't that warm out.
Even Addie's car got a wash :)
Farewell/Memorial Day BBQ with the Snows
My dear long-time friend Niki and her little family moved back here a year ago after being gone for 3 LONG years in Arizona attending Medical school. I knew she'd only be here for a year for his final year of rotations-- but man this year flew by!Niki and Brian and their kids left today to make their way to San Antonio, TX so Brian can complete his residency there. He graduates from Medical school on Friday- congrats Brian! So excited for you guys...even though it means you'll be far away from us.
Gotta love dutch oven cooking! YUM! Props to Niki's dad, Scott for some awesome food....cobbler not pictured (consumed before possible)
Yes, Addie made an appearance at both the adult and kid tables. She always mingles with the whole crowd at social events.
We love these cute little friends!
Addie got to take a ride on Papa Scott's "red bike" and LOVED it!We will miss our friends a lot! We'll look forward to visits and we're excited for them embarking on their next adventure.
Posted by Jenny at 9:22 PM 8 comments