Sunday, June 20, 2010

What we've been up to

Well since the weather can't seem to make up its mind, we've been back and forth with outdoor activities. Addie LOVES to play outside and even more so if it includes water. So, every warm or warmish day we've had has been spent outside.

She wore an itsy bitsy...We've been swimming and splash padding it up and enjoying the sunshine!

It got cold enough last weekend that Addie and I had to break out the warm jammies for our movie night. I even had to turn on the heater.

Then, of course it warmed back up :) We took some strolls around the block. Snow White accompanied us of course.

I also proved that I could indeed go down the slide at the park with two, two-year-olds on my lap. Go me.

Long lost friend play date
My friend Lori and her girls Reagan and Jaylee are in town so we got to play with them on Thursday. It was so much fun to see them again! We hadn't seen the girls since December so it was so fun to reunite our little friends. I sure love all these girls and we miss them a lot.

Any day that includes swings and cupcakes is a good day!

And to wrap the week up...a little more swimming...had to break in Grammy's pool :)


Amanda said...

Yay for warm weather! It makes me happy that you guys have had such a good time.
And you are the most talented slider-er I know. :D

Netti said...

Her itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini is the CUTEST! What a doll face!! Do you think summer might FINALLY be here??? Dare we hope? I've got my fingers crossed, these past few days have been so great!

Janiel said...

JEALOUS!! It is raining all week up here - I want the warm swimming weather :)

Megan said...

That is a lot of frosting on those cup cakes. Random comment, I know.

Lori said...

yay for a playdate!!!