Friday, February 25, 2011

February Fun (and a little January)

February has flown by. I always forget that it's a shorter month. Maybe it's because half this month was spent with Addie or I being sick, but I can't believe that it's almost MARCH. March has seemed sooo far away and now it's almost here! I'm having a baby in March! Ah! Crazy....

On to what we've been up to lately....
 Addie (with my help) made a Valentine mailbox for her preschool party. 
She loooved making it and then kept asking when the party was.
I guess we should have done it 1 day instead of 4 days beforehand :)

 Scored some pink boxes for Addie's shelves randomly at Harmons for 1.50 each. Sweet! I'd been searching for some for months and couldn't find any that weren't ridiculously expensive or fit in the space.

You say it's your birthday....
 It was apparently Yoda's birthday (for like 3 days) 
She put Aurora's party hat on him, sang to him and fed him cake.

 Did a little Valentine baking....not as much as I'd originally planned.

Addie built Jed a bike
 Yes, those 2, 24-pks, cupcake rug, dish towel and ladle are indeed a bike.

 He's a good sport.

Addie's Preschool Valentine Party
Addie's preschool party was a lot of fun. I volunteered to help out and I couldn't believe how many fun things her teacher had planned for the kids to do. It was a busy 2 hours! They did 2 different painting crafts, made Valentine headbands, had cake and juice, played games and then exchanged Valentines.

Addie had a great time, even though she had started feeling under the weather. 

 Within 24 hours of that, she got SO much worse. Poor kid was miserably sick. 
She crawled up onto uncle Ian's lap at 5pm and went to sleep. 
 We spent the rest of Valentine's weekend staying in and trying to get her feeling better. She felt better Tuesday, then ended up with an ear infection which made her feel terrible for a few more days. I was lucky enough to catch her cold and spent all of the following week feeling sick too ;) 
We're all on the mend now and ready to be done with sickness for the season! 
We've got a baby coming, no time for that nonsense. 

We got to play with our good 'ole friends last Friday evening.
 Loved catching up with Van and Lori and letting these monkeys on my bed play :)
Thanks for coming to see us while you were here guys!

In totally out of order news...Addie had her first preschool field trip the last week of January.
They go somewhere each month and this time was ice skating. She was SO excited!
 Jed took his lunch from work and came with because um, let's face it, 8+ months pregnant on ice skates probably wouldn't be the best idea. Especially when I saw how tricky it was for the kids to skate! 
 That was the only time Addie was holding his hand and the wall....the rest the time he and other parents had to either just skate bending down with her in front of him (ouch) or...
 Yes, that's super dad. Ice skating while holding her. 
(sorry the pictures aren't great, taken through glass) 

Addie had a lot of fun and was glad her daddy came to play!


C and C Young said...

You did all that AND had sick days AND are pregnant?! Holy moly. I am in LOVE with Addie's coat--how adorable. And are you like the craftiest girl on the planet or what? Totes jealous of your skillz.

Megan said...

So I still want your red velvet cookies, something is just wrong about Yoda wearing Aurora's crown and is Jed wearing shorts?!

Janiel said...

You guys have been having so much fun!! I love the cupcake bike :)....I'm also soooo excited for baby Dalton to come :)