Monday, June 6, 2011

typical Monday afternoon

4:35pm.....what are we all doing at my house? Well, here's the breakdown:




That about sums it up....Addie in the corner on time out (don't let the photo fool you, there was a 10 minute meltdown prior to the staying quietly in the corner.) I'm drowning out the whining coming from the corner and the desire to lock my kid in her room the rest of the day with Diet Coke. Dalton is sweetly sleeping on the couch. He definitely gets a gold star for having the best attitude today of all three of us. 


Niki said...

Haha 4-6 is the worst, I know how you feel, just wait till Dalton doesn't sleep through it!

Melissa Rees said...

Love this post!! I hate 4:30 at our house. Everyone is waking up from naps (and i mean everyone, even me!) And everyone is cranky! Dinner hasn't been made, and if I still have to run on the treadmill, well, it's just a really bad time.

McBride Family said...

those days happen way too often in my house. luckily kids are also the cutest things ever and usually make up for the fit throwing pretty fast with some act of cuteness. good luck!

Pieces of Us said...

i'm glad it's not just my house!
ps i love that addie will just sit in the corner for at least a second! how would that be!

Netti said...

Dalton definitely gets a gold star for his awesome baby attitude. Ha ha, you're so funny, loved that, made me laugh.

Megan said...

Isn't this time called 'the witching hour'. I swear I read it in some baby book. Too bad I don't have any babies anymore and it still hols true. lol. Why do you think I am reading blogs right now ;) Dalton looks handsome in his little blessing outfit. Glad the day turned out great and the stress of it is over ;)

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

So, what you're saying is the tantrums last past the terrible twos? How will I survive??