Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Next President...

Whether you voted for him or not, whether you like it or not, this man is going to be the 44th President of the United States. You may not agree with his policies, you may not agree with his party, but you have to agree that our country needs change. You also have to agree with the fact that history was made tonight.

His speech was full of hope and unity for our country- something that we all need right now. His words "All things are possible" help my hope and faith that the future of this country has great possiblities.
So here's to putting all policital views aside and uniting as a country to support our next President! Here's to you Barak Obama- I don't envy your new job and I truly hope that you are successful!


Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

I agree Jenny! I liked Mcain's comments about how he asked his supporters to now join with him in supporting HIS and THEIR president. In the end we all have different views but we believe in this america and the voting process so we need to trust those that voted for him and now support him. I am excited for moving forward and see what he brings to our country.

Megan said...

Seeing as how I really liked neither candidate, now I will follow the 12th article of faith and that is that ;)

Lori said...

well said friend.

C and C Young said...

I agree...also I need your email address...I set my blog to private and sent your invite to your work email...I don't know if that is right. Anyway, email me at cassicraven@yahoo.com

Sayyadina said...

I'm gonna hafta 12th article of faith it as well. Thanks, megan for the idea!

mph said...

I have to admit I am excited for the African- American people of this country knowing their history and all they had to overcome to come to this point.