Monday, October 18, 2010

A happy happy birthday, well birthday week

First off- I want to say thanks so much for all the congratulations on our upcoming baby boy. We're so excited to have a little brother for Addie and it means the world to us to have love and support from our friends and family. It was a fun way to start of the birthday celebrating! Although you don't see an actual "birthday cake" you'll see that I got plenty of birthday treats...and food....and I only took pictures of half of it. I'd blame pregnancy, but we all know this isn't abnormal. Celebrating=Food :) Funny, because I've really been unable to eat very much at once or I get sick. Don't worry, I just force fed myself anyway.

The same day we found out our baby is a boy, Ashley came into town for some playing. 
Addie got some good Aunt Ashy time in and then we ditched her with her daddy ;)

Whit, Ash and I went up to Park City last Friday night until Saturday afternoon for some food, shopping, and girl-getaway time.
Loved it. Love my sisters! 

Sunday we went to sweet baby Emmett's blessing.
 I know. You want to squeeze him huh??

Monday was Columbus day...which um means nothing really, except that it's a bank holiday-score!!
Jed had the day off to play with me and Addie and celebrate my birthday with my dad and brothers.
 We went to lunch at Faustina and had yummy food (which we ate before I took a picture)
 and this delicious dessert! YUM. Vanilla chiffon roulade cake with vanilla mouse.
Topped with Strawberries.

Tuesday, my actual birthday,
My mom treated me to some of my favorite food for lunch at Temari.
Then she even got me a birthday cupcake :)
 Boston Cream Pie cupcake.

Jed took me to dinner that night....well more like appetizers and dessert.
I really can't eat much at once, it's kind of sad. I still made myself sick, but it was so good.
 Hummus platter from Roosters
 Asparagus & Prosciutto pizza....we split it in half...then I only could eat half.

Had to save a little room for dessert.
Caramel Bread Pudding from Union Grill
Yes, this means I'm high maintenance enough to get dinner and dessert from two different restaurants.

Do you like how I have no pictures of me and Jed together on my birthday, or with Addie, but somehow there are 6 photos of food in this post? I kept on celebrating the whole week through with shopping with my mom and dinner with the in-laws. Thanks everyone who celebrated with me and wished my a happy birthday!

As far as my pregnancy goes, I'm almost 19 weeks along and feeling, well pregnant. I've been a little more sick this time, but things are going well and our baby is growing and healthy so that's all we can ask for! I'm starting to feel him moving around in there more and I love that. I'm grateful that so far we're both healthy and doing well. Can't believe we're nearly halfway there!


Melissa Rees said...

I still can't believe you're having a boy!!! so freakin cool :) sounds like you had a great bday too!

Lori said...

how fun. i forget that you're pregnant. prolly cause i can't SEE you. you should start sending me belly shots. :)

and i'm SO glad you got yummy food on your birthday. shocked. truly shocked.

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

Congrats to you guys! Little boys are lots of fun. I am jelous of all that food. Looks way yummy right now. Hope your birthday was wonderful!

Megan said...

Now that is how you celebrate people. I must try that bread pudding - and the hummus platter. Mmmmm. Delicious.

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

Glad you had a great birthday! All that food looks so yummy! I love Faustina, especially the dessert. I love Roosters, too. Sucks you're feeling crappy. Being pregnant is so much harder than I ever thought it would be. Definitely worth it in the end, though! Congrats again :)