Monday, November 1, 2010


Seems like each year every holiday gets busier. Halloween was no different.There were parties, treats and fun had by all. As you'll see from the amount of photos, our day, well days were busy and fun-filled. First, we had to prepare by acquiring some pumpkins.

 We went to a house near ours that has pumpkins out front.
Now whenever we drive by I hear "that's where we got pumpkins!"
 Me, my pumpkin, and my lil punkin' in my belly at 19 weeks
 She really thought she could pick that up.

Next, was the carving...which I always forget how long/messy it is to do.
Fun though.

you want her boots don't you?? I know that I do....)

 We're not that advanced. Pumpkins as Addie named them.
"Daddy's work, a scary ghost and a guy!"
(Jed's Plutonium logo, a ghost face and a skull-type face that was on her pail she asked me to do)

Friday, I got Addie dressed up in her Princess Aurora costume
 Which she appropriately posed in for me :)
I took her to Jed's office and she literally filled her trick-or-treat pail to the top!
I figured at that point, "real" trick-or-treating was just a formality. She also got treats from both her Grammies at their offices too.

Jed took Addie to our ward party that night while I stayed home. I've been sick for a week now with a cold and I felt horrible on Friday. I decided to sit out the ward party in hopes that it would help me be more able to party with my princess on Saturday.

Saturday, we had a Halloween party at my mom's house with Addie's cousins.
 Princess Aurora & Snow White
When I put on my dress Addie got SO excited! She immediately said we needed to twirl. When I told her we needed to grab mommy's shoes to go, she said "um you're not mommy, you're Snow White." I love her.
It helped me be happy I didn't sell out and stay home.

 Grammy Rees the butterfly and Addie
 My cute mom, cute daughter and me

This picture was too funny to not post. As soon as I tried to take a picture of Deacon,
Addie ran over and put her arm around him and wanted to pose together....he wasn't a fan.
"Seriously, why is this girl always all over me??"

Ever try taking a picture of 4 toddlers and 3 babies?
 I was laughing so hard at the madness....
 Never did get a good one....ah well. They were all cute.

 Monkey Nixon being held by banana Chad. Ha, I found it funny.

My mom hid little pumpkins full of treats outside, much like an Easter egg hunt.
The kids thought that was a lot of fun.
 Then they ran around for awhile, working off a titch of the sugar.

Later that evening, we went up to Grammy Dawn and Papa Steve's house for another party (yep)
and Addie found her nemesis....Ashley Malificent!
 Addie was so excited yet a little scared I think haha.
She assured me at one point "She's still Ashy"
She had been talking about Ashy being Malificent for weeks and demanded they play one of her favorite games..."Precious Princess"
 She's so funny. She frequently will hide her baby dolls under blankets, then pull it off and say
"'s your precious princess!" just like Malificent. It's uncanny really ;)
 Whitney and her cute little monster Tristan. Isn't his costume adorable?
She was a witch, but I think Addie had stolen her hat by this point.

 Baby Emmett the vampire...I want to eat those cheeks.

After trick-or-treating to about 5 houses on the street, Addie was done. Perfect for me.
Then she put on everyone else's costume's  accessories.
Addie Malificent!

She got extremely wired and literally ran circles till 10pm. Hey, that's what Halloween is about right? Hope everyone had a good Halloween!

ps- I'm totally eating her candy right now....


Lori said...

awesome! i love that your families go all out for halloween

Amanda said...

Holy parties batman! I love that all of the adults dress up in your family too. Looks like you guys had a great time!

Unknown said...

You are so cute pego! Love you guys costumes too....Addie is adorable, that girl cracks me up. Looks like you guys had a great holiday!

Melissa Rees said...

She's so cute!! I love that picture of her and Deacon (he's sitting right by me now looking at it, like huh?) The party was so much fun!

Becky said...

What? 19 weeks? You are not even showing! But a knocked up snow white is cute, love it!

Megan said...

I am totally eating Evan's candy right now too! lol. I love the face Deacon is making in the picture with Addie - the face I am sure lots of people make on the inside when I am around! :) And the picture of her with all her cousins where she is grabbing the babies head?! Love it. Love it all! And Emmett, the vampire? Hello! Twilight!

McBride Family said...

i love that you got dressed up too and i love the picture of you two with your mom. looks like a fun holiday!

Staci said...

How fun is that!! I love that she can quote the movies. It sounds like a fantastic Halloween :)

Janiel said...

That is so cute of you two in your princess costumes!! Your mom is cute too in her butterfly!! Looks like you had a blast!!

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

I envy her princess costume. Not sure I ever had a costume that cool. Perhaps there is still a chance right? And you cannot even tell you are pregnant in that picture with your pumpkin. Jelous.