Monday, November 29, 2010

Kind of boring, but hey we've been bored

So I've decided that November is the longest month ever. That may have something to do with the fact that Jed works 12-18 hour days during this time between his "normal" job and then Plutonium stuff, mostly putting up Christmas lights. Addie and I have had some looong days at home together and been kind of bored, you know since it's been freezing outside and all. Thankfully we have family close by we've been able to visit and we've had a couple of play dates to keep us (well ME) sane. Other than that, things have been pretty low-key around here.

Cousin Tristan was over the other day and I was in the middle of baking for a boutique and asked Addie to give him a bite of his lunch so I could take cupcakes out of the oven really quick. Next thing I know, she had taken the task of feeding Tristan upon herself and proceeded to do it all by herself. It was very cute and she did a good job! Yay for practicing to be a big sister/big mommy-helper!

 I was told my last post didn't include pictures of food. Is this possible? It would seem there's a first for everything. Although, technically I mentioned my salted caramel hot chocolate. Ha.

I don't have Thanksgiving pictures yet, because I left my camera at my mom's house. (and you all know what my "Thanksgiving pictures" mean. Yeah, not me and my family being all cute. It's pies people. Don't act surprised.)

 So this is all the Turkey I have to show. I made these little oreo turkeys and thought they were pretty cute. I should mention this Thanksgiving season that I'm thankful my blackberry has a good camera....since I use it all. the. time.  :)

Playing with princesses/changing all of their outfits frequently
 I sent this picture to Ashley, because she can't handle that Addie allows the princesses to "share" dresses with each other. I agree, there's something not right about it. Gotta entertain her somehow though, right?
PS- Cinderella is bigger boned and you can't velcro Aurora and Snow White's dresses shut on her.

Okay, I am aware none of this is that interesting. Jed was able to play with me and Addie for most of the day on Saturday and it was so nice to have him back home. We went to lunch then had our Smith and Edwards snow boot buying adventure. That place was NUTS. Makes for a fun time with daddy though.

Sunday morning we put up our Christmas Tree and decorations.

Look what daddy found.....
 While getting the Christmas Decor out, Jed came across his light saber. She LOVES it. Totally plays with it and acts like Luke Skywalker, you know if Luke wore cutesy Christmas jammies.
 Addie has her own little pink tree for her room. I plugged it in downstairs and she put all of Jed's Star Wars ornaments on it then set the light saber next to it and said. "See? Yoda is holding it!"

We followed Christmas decorating with a nice little tea party with Dopey. He got the Snow White plate, so appropriate. Daddy's plate is the yellow one, but he was making dinner so had to be fashionably late.
I love that Addie is starting to pretend more and more and has such a fun imagination.

So, other than that- I'm just getting bigger and the baby boy is kicking me more. Maybe it's from all the food I've been forcing him to share space with lol. 


Megan said...

I just love that your daughter can transition back and forth from princesses to Star Wars so smoothly.

Lori said...

poor bored jenny. it is rather lame that we're both sitting at our houses right now. of COURSE i have to live across the country. boo.

Melissa Rees said...

I saw those cute little turkeys the night before Thanksgiving at your moms! You are so talented! I resisted the urge to eat one :)

Netti said...

Addie makes me so proud, what with her love for Star Wars! How cute that she put star wars decorations on her tree!

PS. 12-18 hour days, that DOES make for a long month. Jesse works at a rehab center a few times a month and has to stay over night and I HATE that, but atleast it's only a few times a month!

Janiel said...

She is so stinkin cute!! I love that she loves Star Wars and is sooo girly :) How have you been feeling lately?? Where is a picture of your baby bump? :)