Monday, November 8, 2010

some updates

The past few weeks have been pretty chill (sans Halloween). Addie and I both got colds and stayed in quite a bit. Mine decided to last for 2 weeks and counting. I'm hoping someday I'll stop coughing. Anyway, here's a recap of what we've all been doing.

Jed: Oh, what no pictures? That's because he's been very busy with work and the poor guy hasn't had much time for fun. Of course since last week was beautiful, he was stuck working in his office all day. He has the week off from work this week so he's putting up Christmas lights on houses for Plutonium. Yes, in this rain and freezing temperatures today. Tomorrow's looking sunny....I hope so! So proud of all he's doing and how hard he works for us.

Baby Boy: We had a doctor appointment last week and he's looking good and healthy and right on track. It's crazy to think that I'm now halfway there! Just over 20 weeks now. He's about 3/4 of a pound and moving around more and more...which I LOVE. He moves the most when I lay down on my back. Halloween night, when I got into bed he started going crazy....I think that even he was on a sugar high!

Me: Well, I've been getting my sewing on. If you know me well, you read that last sentence and said what the what?! I've really never sewed anything, unless you count the star shaped pillow from 8th grade. It started out with making some fabric flower bows for Addie to match skirts that Whit made her. I then decided to make some headbands and put some flowers I'd made on them for me and my sister in law. I think they turned out pretty cute. Go me.

Then! If you're not totally impressed with headbands, I decided that I was going to make Addie's bedding for her new room. (I SWEAR it wasn't some crazed pregnancy hormone that made me temporarily insane)
I'd never ever ever attempt a project like this on my own, but Dawn my mother in law happens to be an amazing seamstress and offered to help me :) I'm loving how it's turned out so far! I found some super fun fabrics that just screamed Addie to me. I did ALL the sewing on the front of the quilt and now the front is all done- yay!!
Here's a closer up picture that shows the fabrics a little better
don't look too close, I'm sure there are flaws :)
Now we're doing all the hand stitching on the quilt, which will probably take awhile. If you've never done this before, here's what's going to happen. See ever line and square on this baby? Well we're stitching around each of them by hand....yes, it's a process. Thanks SO much Dawn for your help!

I've also been cooking and baking...which isn't that new. I really have started enjoying cooking more and more, rather than only baking. I didn't allow myself to bake last week due to the amount of candy in the house....but I caved Saturday night and made cookies ;)

A couple weekends ago, I channeled my inner Alton Brown and attempted a cheese souffle.
I thought it looked kind of pretty....and it was delicious! Oh I also made apple cider donut holes that night. I didn't take a picture, they weren't that pretty and they were only okay. I wanted them to be better than they were. Jed's wassail was off the hook though, so that's good. 
Oh and of course, I've been entertaining this funny little girl too.

Addison: This girl keeps us on our toes and definitely keeps us laughing! She's been going back and forth for awhile on naps and last week I decided that it wasn't worth them anymore because it's too hard to get her to bed at night when she has them....well, now if I leave the house past 2pm this happens....
I didn't take into consideration the daylight savings issue when I made this decision. So now we may be napping again, because ummm 5:45am is EARLY. That makes the day very long to keep her happy AND awake till 7:30-8pm. Today she fell asleep in the car while my mom and I were shopping and even stayed asleep when I took her inside in the cart for a half hour. Go figure right?

Never a dull moment with her. She has genes from both Jed and I for memorizing songs and movie lines and I came across this sweet scene the other day and asked what she was doing. She'd gathered my comforter, laid her baby on it and covered her up. Naturally I assumed she was putting her baby doll to, nope. Her response?

"I'm doing what Luke Skywalker does to Vader" she then proceeds to act as if she's removing a helmet from the baby doll and tells the baby "I don't want to leave you....come with me"
Yep, my sweet little girl is reinacting Darth Vader's death scene from Star Wars.
Seriously??? I told Jed I'd assumed he skips stuff like death and what not. Nope- he doesn't!
She isn't all Star Wars though....still very much into princesses and Hairspray. She quotes and sings from shows on a daily basis. She's started to do different dances of Hairspray even. When she watches it she tries to do the coreography. It's hilarious when she does Seaweed's dance. I'm still trying to get a good recording of it.
Friday, she asked me for an apple, and specified a red apple. I gave it to her and should have seen this one coming....
She took a bite, then fell to the floor and said she was Snow White.

She seriously keeps my laughing all day, which is very good because she can be quite the stinker sometimes. She's a defiant little thing and I'm a little scared for when she's sixteen. She knows what she wants and doesn't take no for an answer very well. I just hope and pray that she applies that in a positive way as she grows up.

She can also be very sweet. She's very aware of those around her and is always concerned if someone is upset or hurt. She's constantly asking if she can kiss owies of mine better and giving me loves when I don't feel well. She'll even be a little mommy to me and say, "Do you not feel very well? I'm so sorry, that's not fun. Maybe you need ____ to make you feel better". She even shares her Yoda bandaids with me.

She's going to be a very good big sister.

That about sums up what's up with our little family. We're all pretty happy and healthy. Despite a few pregnancy discomforts I'm grateful that we've got another little one on the way and for all that we're blessed with. I haven't been doing any "30 days of Thanksgiving" or anything- I'm being a little bit blog lazy, but I am thankful for many, many things every day.


Amanda said...

Ummmm she reinacted star wars? Seriously? I love it.
And I'm way impressed with your sewing skills! Go you!

Melissa Rees said...

Me, Deacon and Evan are enjoying your cold too :) And I really want to try those apple cider doughnut holes even if you thought they were meh!

Megan said...

The reenacting of Star Wars is awesome. Something I am sure Jed is proud of, as I know Ross would be! lol. Anna did the whole 'fall asleep in the car if we were in it for more than 5 minutes after 4PM'. It will eventually get better. But she still does it sometimes. Kids. I wish they came with some sort of manual!

Maria said...

I am also enjoying your cold, courtesy of Deacon. Lol.

Addie is so funny! I love that she's re-enacting movies scenes. Hilarious!

That Halloween pic of Deacon and Addie is priceless. He'll pull that face with me sometimes and it makes me laugh. He's a little comedian and he knows it.

Lori said...

i sure love your little family. way to work hard jed (as ALWAYS). way to be domesticated, friend. way to make your dad proud, addie. and way to grow well mr baby boy. :)

Janiel said...

So so cute! I love her personality...hey she is going to be just like you at age 16. :)

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

Glad to hear you guys are doing well! Your pregnancy is going by fast...for me! :) So fun! Addie is adorable, as always.