Monday, March 21, 2011


320...that's how many diapers I have in Dalton's closet. There is a stack of folded blankets and freshly washed clothes hung up. His changing table is full of onesies, pants and jammies, most of them have been washed more than once because I couldn't remember which ones I'd washed so I rewashed them all. It's also stocked with baby socks, burp clothes, receiving blankets and diapers.

My house is clean (thanks to my mom's help, love her!). Laundry is all caught up on. My fridge and freezer are stocked. The car seat is properly installed in my car. I have my diaper bag all packed full of things for Dalton for the hospital. I have my hospital bag packed other than the things I'll need to throw in that morning. I have a bag packed for Addie so she can sleepover at Grammy Dawn's house Wednesday night. Long story short: I'm prepared. We're all prepared. There is really not much left to do.

Oh, well I guess we still have ONE thing to do. HAVE A BABY! In like, you know 42ish hours. When I say I'm prepared I feel like that is a lie. I AM prepared as far as having everything cleaned, organized, and ready to bring our baby home. When it comes to having TWO children instead of one, recovering from a C-Section again, going through the sleepless newborn nights and the baby blues and the unknown of how Addie will adjust, I feel completely unprepared. I know there is no avoiding it. I don't think anyone is ever truly prepared for parenthood. I thought I would feel more ready this time, but somehow I feel less ready. You'd think having done this once before I'd have it all together better than I do.

As unprepared as I feel to have our lives changed forever once again, I am SO happy and excited that I get to meet my baby boy on Wednesday night! Addison has been the best thing to ever happen to our lives and I know that we will feel the same way about Dalton. I can't wait to hold my baby and soak up all that sweet newborn goodness.


Lori said...

yay. i'm so excited for you!!!!!!!

Melissa Rees said...

OMG i'm so freaking excited!! can't wait to meet him!

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

I am so excited for you and all the adventures a new little one will bring! Good luck tomorrow!

Amanda said...

So excited to meet this little man! Good luck tomorrow!

McBride Family said...

so excited for you guys. having another kid will definitely change your life - but it will definitely be for the better. i totally think having two was easier than one. good luck, can't wait to hear all about him!

Megan said...

He is such a cute baby! I can't wait to meet him in person :) I hope the recovery is going well and so is the adjustment. I am sending good vibes your way, my friend!

Janiel said...

Yay!! I'm SOOOOOOO excited for you! Can't wait to see pictures! Text me them!!