Saturday, March 12, 2011

March Madness

It's been a pretty crazy month...yet has also seemed long already at the same time. The days are long with Jed pulling out all the stops to get his Plutonium jobs done before baby Dalton's arrival. So Jed is busy and not home much, I am feeling quite large and uncomfortable and not sleeping much, and Addie, well she's just as busy as ever doing what she does and being sweet and helpful to me.

Loving Preschool Days
Addie got to wear pajamas the day they focused on letter "P". She thought that was pretty cool. 
They also had a dental hygienist come and talk to them about teeth.
She loved that she got her own mask. She told me all about why we have to brush our teeth afterwards. I love that she's starting to really love it and tell me what she learns and stories each day about preschool. She also has a habit of selling out her preschool friends to me. Makes me laugh. She'll get in the car and say "Rachel said can't at preschool today. We don't say can't at preschool. We say I can try" or
"Ava didn't want to clean up today so she cried" 

A warm enough day for the park! 
I've been trying to go and do some fun things with Addie this weekend while Jed worked and before I'm not able to do much for awhile. We played at the park Thursday and then wandered the Princess aisle at Target and had a pizza picnic at home and watched "Hairspray". Today we had a full day of a birthday breakfast for Papa Steve and Uncle Blake then went to "Tangled" at the Kaysville Theater...which by the way, I may never attend again. Loved that we got to see it again but they don't let you buy tickets ahead of time, you just have to show up 30-45 minutes early. I wasn't prepared for this to mean standing outside, while raining for part of that time. Oh well, it was fun and I love doing things like that with her. We also went to my nephew Evan's first birthday party....Addie crashed in the car on the ride home and I collapsed onto the couch and don't plan to move the rest the night :)

She also is getting excited about her baby brother coming, as we all are. She has been such a great little helper to me lately and I think she'll love being a helpful big sister, maybe "too" helpful sometimes :)
Papa Steve always teases her that her brother is in the oven and she gets very offended and upset by this she is such a literal kid. She had quite the serious conversation the other day with him the other day about it and told him "The baby is NOT in the oven. The baby is in mommy's belly and the oven is at her house. I don't want to hear you say that ever again." and she meant it! He teased her an hour later about it and she put her little finger up all mommy-bossy like and said, "um, do you remember what I said?"
Needless to say both Papa and Grammy both were almost in tears laughing at her. 
Addie and Grammy agreed that next time he says that he will go to time out.

Baby Boy.....oh we can't wait for his arrival. Well, I can a little since there are a few things left to do, but if I could have him tomorrow I'd pull an all-nighter to get it all done! He's coming in 11 days, so we don't have too long to wait now.....
and don't worry, he'll be well accessorized as well :)
As for me.....well I'm looking like I'm 38 weeks pregnant.
Well, maybe bigger ;)
This was my happy place last Saturday...I helped my mom throw a baby shower and she got me an alligator jaw before it started. Dang it was good lol. I needed that extra sugar to cope with being called huge repeatedly at the shower...oh as well as miserable looking. Ah well, what do you do right?

Speaking of food....

Our Best Bites book launch and cooking demo
I was so excited to see, meet and watch Sara and Kate from cook up some delicious food in a gorgeous demo kitchen at Orsen Gygi. I got to go down with a couple of my foodie friends, Megan and Carlee. We were stoked when Megan won 2 tickets and even more so when after Sara and Kate read our tweets on twitter offered me a ticket too! I felt quite special  :)
Sara and Kate were very cute and fun in the kitchen. I loved that they seemed just like me and my friends cooking, not all technical and pro-chef like. Don't  be fooled though, their recipes are AWESOME. I seriously use their recipes for at least 70% of the meals I make, maybe more.
We got to taste their yummy concoctions....and LOVED this one!
Sorry, it doesn't look pretty but OH MY GOSH...SO GOOD.
Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecakes
We even got hooked up with the secret recipe. Saweet!

We got to meet them and have our cookbooks signed! 
(Yes we're nerds because we thought this was SO cool- and sorry the pictures aren't good. I forgot my camera so they're all from my phone. Plus a stranger took this one and didn't get how to use it)

Oh, and if I didn't eat enough there, Megan also brought me some delicious donuts from Beyond Glazed.
This was followed by a meeting of our Culinary Club....where again, we ate some more. It was quite the foodie day. Loved it and loved having one last girls' day/night before I become home bound for awhile :) Thanks Megan and Carlee and Our Best Bites!


Netti said...

11 days!!!!!! How exciting, I can't wait to see what he looks like! It never ceases to amaze me the comments people make to pregnant women, no one wants to hear that they're huge. I for one think you look gorgeous, and not at all miserable looking.;)

Oh the good ol kaysville theatre, nasty dirty sticky floors, that's all I think of, but alas, I went often.

Melissa Rees said...

Awwww I wanna be the hygienist that goes to her preschool!! And I seriously need that cheesecake recipe!!

Becky said...

That pic of you eating the alligator jaw is SOOO cute, I'm not even kidding!! Thanks for telling us all about the OBB outing. And thanks for a fun night of food :)

Megan said...

I know what you could have done - punched her! For reals. I can't believe she said that to you. And I agree with Becky - the pictureof you eating the donut is super cute. I love it. Almost as much as I loved those PB cheescakes...almost. Such a fun day! :)

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

That's so great Addie gets to do so many fun things at preschool (and with you)! Good luck with everything and hope your baby boy gets here soon. :)

McBride Family said...

i think you look cute - i can't believe you are only 11 days away! so exciting!

Lori said...

yay for march! yay for food! yay for dalton!!!

Janiel said...

So much fun!! I love that Alligartor donut - it looks yummy!! You look so cute! I love it :)
I'm so excited for Baby Dalton to arrive. Addie is so adorable in all the pictures - it is cute how talk-itive she is. I also love Our Best Bites blog - cool that you got to meet them - Do you love the recipe book?