Monday, March 21, 2011

Some Addie Time

Well, we're down to the final countdown here for baby Dalton to arrive...we're talking less than 48 hours here people. In between all the baby preparations, I've been trying to focus as much time and attention on Addie as possible.

I don't generally celebrate St. Patrick's Day other than wearing green. This year, however, I forgot to consider the fact that my child now goes to preschool....thus we ended up doing a little more than usual this year. Addie's "homework" was to bring a painted green box to preschool that they'd then decorate there.

She loved painting the box....that I then evened out, because I'm OCD like that. 
Finding that the leprechaun left her some treats even though we didn't catch him...

 he even turned our pancake batter green!
Addie had a green feast at school. All of the kids brought a green food to share and she had a lot of fun.
 Her preschool does the funnest things. I love hearing all her stories about it each day. 

 Last Addie-Daddy-Mommy Outing before baby brother 
We decided that we wanted to go out and have a fun evening with Addie before her little world is altered.
We went to In-N-Out for some dinner then to Boondocks for some fun.

Boondocks was fun for Addie. She played some little kid arcade games, played in their big Kiddie Cove and even dared to do a daddy-sized game that was more like a ride.

 She was all excited when it started
 and then the whole thing started to shake and move and it made her pretty nervous
 so...she ended up on her daddy's lap for the rest of the ride :)

 She also loved playing rollerball....almost a cross between bowling and ski-ball. 

Oh and Jed rocked on the "sledgehammer" which was a kiddie sized whack-a-mole game.
He dominated and put a high score on the game and got Addie some tickets :) 
Lol....poor other small children...they'll never get close to that score.

It was fun to play with my two favorite people before I add a third to that favorite list. Jed and I were both exhausted before we even started the evening, (something about me not sleeping at night and Jed working 10-18 hour days the past two weeks, twice literally ALL night) but we're both glad that we took the time and played with our little Addison while she's still the baby of our family.