Wednesday, April 27, 2011

what the kids are doing these days

Sorry my Easter post was super lame in content. I was trying to be brief so that I could go to bed last night. Which is quite ironic because I hurried and blogged knowing that Dalton would wake up about 11:30 to eat and he ended up sleeping till 1am. That would have been nice to know before I decided to wait up for him to wake up...dumb dumb dumb. That won't happen again. Anyway, I digress. So here are a few little updates and such about my kiddos from the past few weeks.

This chubby boy weighed 10lbs 8oz last week when I took him to the doctor.
We were concerned that he's got reflux so I took him in and the doctor gave us a prescription for Prevacid, which seems to have helped him not be in pain after he eats. It's very good since before that I couldn't lay him down after he ate during the day or he'd just he mostly slept like this 
Not that I don't love cuddling my sleeping boy, but unfortunately I have other responsibilities and another child to take care of....oh and showering is always a good thing too.

Jed jacked up his crib on one end to help him....although it makes my OCD kick in to see it all askew on the wall, it's better for Dalton. 

He really likes when I carry him in the sling too....which Addie also thinks is fun to use and pretend her baby is in there. She's funny.

Chubby boy is about to bust through his buttons on his little Easter outfit. 
Dang newborn sized stuff. Just doesn't do the trick for our boy. I had to put stretchy pants on him because these ones were tight and bugging him (hey kid, I know the feeling)

 He's still eating every 2 hours during the day like clockwork....sometimes he'll go 2 1/2. 
Finally he's gone a few nights of going 3 hours between a feeding or two.
It's a little exhausting, but hey I'm glad he's healthy :)
Gotta maintain those cheeks somehow right??

 Addie is still doing all her random Addie things
including setting her table with a blanket as a table cloth, then inviting George the monkey (who's birthday it was apparently and 2 Auroras. Oh and I was invited to the tea party too. The purple plate is mine)

 At Dalton's 2 week appointment, the pediatrician gave me the green light on sending Addie back to preschool (WAHOO!!!) I was really glad because she really does love it. Who wouldn't? I was jealous yesterday when their field trip was to the Pizza Man in North Ogden. They made their own pizzas and bread sticks. She LOVED it.

Shout out to buddy Cooper- Aren't they freaking cute in their chef's hats? 
Thanks Chelsie for being my kid's adult supervision for me!  

Nothing too exciting going on in our little world. We're mostly just trying to maintain some sort of order and normalcy. I'm getting used to having two kids and having it take an hour to get out the door to go anywhere. We really are enjoying our new little boy and couldn't be happier that he's a part of our family. Now I'm going to bed so that I can get up in an hour to feed Dalton....hey you never know, he could sleep till 1am again, right? 


Niki said...

So cute can't wait to see that big boy soon! Oh and the rest of you too.

Melissa Rees said...

Oh he's so stinkin' adorable!! I'm glad he's sleeping a little better. Gotta be grateful for those small snatches of sleep!

Megan said...

I am still sending sleeping vibes your way and I am starting to wonder why they are not working!! Lame sauce. I love Addie's dress and her Zebra coat - so cute. And the picture of Dalton's cheeks!? Love it. I have a similar picture of Evan busting out of his clothes. Remember how Evan can wear size 3 clothes? Just something for you to look forward to ;) I am still jealous of your pie. It looks so tasty!

Lori said...

i love this. your kiddos are SO cute. only 5 weeks and i get to hold him myself! WAHOO

Pieces of Us said...

He is so chubby and yummy!

McBride Family said...

ahhh the life of the newborn craziness...he is so so cute though and i bet worth every minute of lost sleep. adam didn't sleep well flat either - but we jacked up the mattress instead of the whole crib by putting blanets underneath. the things we do to keep them happy!

The Wilson Family said...

So sweet I love his dark hair. Hey, where does Addie go to preschool??

Janiel said...

So stinkin cute!! I love those cubby cheeks of his :) Addi is so beautiful!!

Chelsie said...

oh how i love your kids. I love that addie held my hand so much on the field did my heart well. :-) more than happy to be her parental supervision anytime. i love daltons chubby cheeks...bless him