Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Day 2011

Jed and I set out all the presents, got a breakfast casserole prepared and in the fridge and everything set out for the next morning by midnight. I'd expected to be up much later since we weren't home til 10. Just as we crawled our tired selves into bed, Dalton woke up. Yup. So from 12:30- about 2am ish he played downstairs with Jed. He even played with the new toy of his that wasn't wrapped. Lol, well good to know he approved of it! Needless to say, we didn't end up getting much sleep. We had 9am church though, so we couldn't let the kids sleep in, even if they'd wanted to....such is life with kids. Totally worth it, because kids+Christmas= Awesome.

We  Santa left Addie a note the night before saying thanks for the cake pop. He added a marshmallow to her good girl marshmallow jar too ;) Yes, Santa got a cake pop in our house. 

Santa delivered too. He brought Addie the Tangled Barbie she wanted :)
Can you tell she was excited?

She even sings! (which is a lot louder at home than in Target btw)

Dalton playing with his music table (again lol)

Addie wanted to wear her new dress that matched her doll to church. 

 After church, we had some family over for some brunch. I love brunch. Although I was a little sad that the scrumptious Argentine pastries we got the day before weren't nearly as fabulous a day old. I knew I should have just shoved one of the dulce de leche ones in my mouth the day before...
Bryan and London came up too.

She's sweet. I like her.

Grandpa Rees and Dalton, sportin' his new church outfit. 

We went to Great Grammy Lynette's house and the kids opened more presents.
Dang, they're spoiled! 
Dalton likes Addie's new guitar too. They both love this toy, it's awesome. 
They're now in a band. He plays on his music table and she plays the guitar and they dance. Pretty fantastic.

We stopped by grandma and grandpa Rees's house too.
He was so tired at this point, but still hamming it up for the camera.

Pretty little Skylee.

I sure love these two. They made Christmas what it's all about for me. 
Just as I settled on the couch to chill with Jed after the kids were in bed, the doorbell rang. Um, weird it's 9:30....Santa sent a helper to drop off one more gift for me!
Holy awesome!! 

The next day, we went to visit my grandparents who live in a rest home in Sandy.

The were very excited to see us.
My grandpa LOVES babies, so he was in heaven! Love those two!
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!


Lori said...

yay for christmas! yay for fun!

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

Those pics of Addie with her doll are so cute! And Dalton is getting so big...ok, he's always been big, but he is growing up fast! :) Glad you guys had a good Christmas!

Megan said...

What a fabulous Christmas. I love the picture of Addie opening her Tangled Barbie. Classic. And Dalton looks so handsome in his argyle sweater vest. I am a sucker for a sweater vest.