Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas week 2011

I told myself I'd blog Christmas before Addie's birthday came so that I wouldn't have ALL of it to do at once. Well, that was a nice thought. Then strep hit me and hit me hard...the day after Christmas. Seriously. Have I mentioned that I'm moving somewhere warm where we can play outside, free of quarantining? Well southern friends, look out. One day soon you may get a knock on your door...

On to Christmas! We had a great holiday weekend. The weekend before we missed out on my family's party and unfortunately we never did get to see all of my siblings or any of my step siblings on or around Christmas. We did get to party with the Weller clan on Christmas Eve and see my mom and Danny and two of my brothers on Christmas. Hey, with all the illnesses we'd had, I was just happy we were healthy for those few days so we could enjoy it! I have a LOT of pictures. I decided to break it down into two posts because we squeezed a LOT into a few days since we'd been sick beforehand. So here's the week of Christmas breakdown.

Addie's Dance "Program"

 I say "program" because it was just a 10 minute gig at the end of her regular dance class. The teacher lets the parents come and see what the girls have been working on since we can't watch her during class. After watching their awesomeness, I'm pretty stoked for the recital at the end of the year :)

The did a cat dance. Addie had already done most of it for me at home, but it was fun to see her with her little dance peeps. Addie was nervous right before they started their dance because a clown came in. Uh, I would be too! She gave them presents after and balloon animals, so all was well.
(Also, don't get me started on what some people dress their preschoolers in for dance.)

Pretty fantastic, no? Lol yes that's me giggling to myself. 

Preschool Christmas Musical
Addie played a reindeer :)

Addie and BFF Lucy in the reindeer outfits waiting to start the show!
I totally rock and hot glued Velcro to extra fur fabric from Dalton's Chewbacca costume and made skirts. Totally necessary right? If you want to hire my fine craftsmanship skills, I can be paid in baked goods and diet coke and I will bring my own glue gun ;)

The boys watching the show. They're pretty dang handsome I think.

Surprise! Santa came!! 

After the program was over, my dad came over to visit and give presents since we weren't able to go to the party at his house the week before. 
It's kind of fun for Addie to get presents for pretty much three weeks straight though!
We also stopped into Farr's Fresh for some rockin' ice cream. 
Eggnog soft serve ice cream with caramel sauce and cheesecakes bites, you complete me.
Blast, holidays are over so no more excuses for that deliciousness...

Addie thought it was hilarious when I tried her antlers on Dalton, so she took a picture. In fact, I just deleted about 100 photos off of the laptop after I downloaded them that she's taken in the past month. Sorry kid, I only need so many pictures of word world on the TV or blurry up close pictures of my face or Dalton's.

 Christmas Village
On the 23rd we didn't have plans, and we hadn't been to Temple square or anything this year so we decided to head to the Ogden Christmas Village.

We convinced our friends, the Hills, to join us. Addie and Lucy look like twins here.

It was COLD. I was hoping to find a night that was over 30 degrees, but alas, we just bundled up and drank some cocoa and partied on. 

I think we've got a little family picture in front of this each year since Addie was born. Guess it'll be our tradition! Since I'm unable to ever remember to get a family picture ON Christmas, it's close enough.

They even rode the little train, and loved it! Then we convinced them to walk down to La Ferrovia for some nice warm Italian food to end the evening. 

When we got home, Dalton decided to attempt climbing into the dishwasher. 
He was successful. (I have a WHOLE lot of Dalton that I need to post, but that's another post and another day. Dang, I love that boy)

Also, here's a random shot of the bench that we made for Grammy Dawn for her birthday. We (meaning our friend Jordan) painted it. Then we put the grandkids hand prints on it. I think it won't be long before that bench is covered with tiny grandbaby hands!

Okay, so that brings us to Christmas Eve!! To be continued....