Monday, February 23, 2009


My BABY is no longer a baby..... what the ?!?! How did this happen?? I turned around yesterday and realized that she is a what? That's right, my friends a TODDLER!!! Ahhhhh!

See this sweet little face...
Well, she is now full blown walking. She eats big girl food, she drinks real milk, she watches videos and dances along, she says new words every single day it seems, yup toddler! Oh another fun thing is that she's learned to throw a tantrum...sigh....I thought I had till age two for that one.
I'm in the middle of packing up our house, and it has been so weird and sad to be packing away all of Addison's "baby" stuff knowing that it will be stored, not used when we move. Oh, AND I threw away ALL of her bottle last night. She's fully embraced the sippy cup.

She's so much fun right now though!! It is so fun to watch her learn new things each day and try and say new words and sounds. It's so cute to hear her moo like a cow or "talk" to daddy on the phone. That coversation usually sounds something like... "daddy!......silence for a bit... da (when he's telling her to be good for me).....daddy" LOL little sweetheart. Jed loves it too I'm sure.

She has decided that walking isn't enough, she must take something with her, usually something far too big or heavy for her to really carry. Somehow she seems to manage. Here she is, carrying her tray to her high chair. She loves to do this, and you just try and stop her....

Well, I suppose I'll just have to be okay with her growing up. I sure can't stop it!! She's such a joy in our lives and we have so much fun with her. I just can't get enough of this little girl :) Oh, I had to post this picture too.....her totally striking a pose in her jammies for the camera. Such a girl! Gotta love that bed head too.

Hey, I don't care how big you get Addie, you'll always be my baby.


Melissa Rees said...

I can't believe how big she is! I've never even seen her walk. She is too precious! Let us know when the big moving day is--I'm sure we can help!

The Metz Family said...

awe... a toddler eh!? imagine how big she is going to feel compared to when baby comes! AH! I love that little girl.. every time I see her she makes my day! And the temper tantrum is slightly hillarious... I'll try not to laugh next time though ha ha

Maria said...

Oh my, when I read the title of your post I thought you were going to say you were pregnant again!

She is so beautiful! You and Tammy and Melissa sure know how to make cute babies!

Megan said...

Yeah the tantrum thing is no fun, but everything else is. I love the toddler age (most of the time). Just wait until she talks even more (you know the day isn't far way...LOL) and you will be laughing your head off all the time. Lucky Ross and Jes to have to talking ladies in their houses ;)

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

She is getting so big. She is such a quick learner with all her walking and sippy cup. It seems to me like girls catch on to these quicker. I love her little pose too. I am having a heck of a time getting Logan to hold still long enough to get a good picture.

Lori said...

man. it's always bittersweet when the babes turn into toddlers. luckily reagan is draggin her heels so i get a baby a titch longer than you. :) enjoy the next phase, too. i swear they are little girls before long!

Pieces of Us said...

She is getting TOO big! Can't we make them stop growing? I love her little face!

Netti said...

That last picture is a classic. I love that. She really is getting so grown up!!! I can't even believe how fast they grow! It seems like just yesterday when her and Emily's baby Brynn were being total babies and splashing in the water at that park we went to. We definitely need to plan another girls play date so we can see Addie again!

Chelsie said...

she is so stinkin cute and her eyes are gorgeous!!! as sad as it is for them to get bigger, it's so fun to watch them learn all these new things, she's a smart cookie

mlewrkmn said...
