Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pack it up, Pack it in...

Well this past week I've been trying to pack everything we don't need for the couple weeks. It's hard to pack when you're moving into a smaller space. I've been trying to pack everything that we're storing (thanks in laws!!) first and get that stuff OUT of the house. It drives me nuts having boxes everywhere and the house in disaray....sigh....I know, it will be until we move and then UNPACK.

I haven't been very good about taking many pictures of Addie lately....this girl is on. the. move! She's walking everywhere, climbing everything and talking more and more! She's so much fun....yesterday it was a warm enough day that I finally got to take her for a walk- yay! She LOVED it. She was just talking gibberish the whole time and making cute little sounds. She loves to be outside so I can't wait till spring so we can spend more time outdoors.

Saturday we got to go to Jed's cousin's baptism down in Sandy. It was fun to see his family and see Quinton get baptized. I kept thinking about how quick Addison's will come....but let's change the subject before I cry...

SHOES!! Ahhh, the only thing more fun that buying shoes for me, is buying shoes for Addie. Shoes are so much cuter when they're little. Her feet had a growth spurt and she only had one pair that fit her. So Jed and I took her to Payless and she went NUTS!! She loved alllll the shoes...haha NO idea where she gets that from ;)

Here she is, trying to put one on her can see that the wall of shoes is mostly on the floor too. She was having way too much fun and had been sick of the stroller, so I just let her play and then spent 5 mins trying to put all of them back in the right boxes.

That's about all for now. We're supposed to close next week on our house and we'll be moving next weekend! Oh, and I want to thank all of you for your love and support with Bryan and my family. I truly appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers :)


Melissa Rees said...

Tell us exactly what day you are moving so we can help! Terry is off for a while coming up next week so he would be glad to help!

Lori said...

rickem rackum packing... this is one of those times that i wish the lady from Bewitched would just show up, twitch her nose and POOF the house would be packed. wouldn't that be swell???

addie is a super duper cutie. love that girl.

Netti said...

Wait a minute. I must have missed a post...I didn't know you were moving! Where and when and why? Oh and I'm gonna need your new address for my announcements!!

Niki said...

Sorry I have been meaning to call you I am such a slacker. She is so cute, I have no idea where she get's the shoe thing? I've seen your closet. One thing Lizzie's feet grew the other day and we made a trip to payless, be careful about their shoes. Lizzie won't wear either pair we bought because they hurt her feet. Just a heads up! Good luck with the move! Oh and I am sorry about your mom too, I promise I will call soon and we can chat.

Maria said...

Moving sucks big time! Put Melissa and Terry to work helping you... ;) Addie is so darling playing with those shoes!

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

Where are you guys moving too? I am so jelous you get to buy little girl shoes. I go shopping for Logan and there are like 3 options and then I see that there are about 15 girl shoes to choose from. Sigh.

Megan said...

I would have you know that it has now been ONE MONTH since we moved and I finally unpacked the last box. I was just so burned out and like we were going to read all of those books. LOL. I hope you have good luck packing and moving and what not. I love that Addie loves shoes so much. I need to buy Anna some new summer sandals - she just had a growth spurt too. Boo!

Chelsie said...

you're so good, i have yet to pack a single thing...for that sole reason, i have no idea what i'm not going to need over the next week and a half...hmmm maybe i'll start this weekend. i love the shoes pic of addie she looks so happy to be there haha