Sunday, June 14, 2009

Recent Stuff

I've been a bit behind on my blogging, which seems random since it's been raining for 2 weeks. We've been trying to stay entertained indoors, much to Addie's dismay. She has learned to say "rainy" or "raining" and sadly says it almost every day (even when it isn't) whenever she looks out the windows.

Some good news- I acquired a freaking awesome new Blackberry, the 8900. It rules. I'm not going to lie, I'm a phone snob, and I LOVE IT!!! All of the footage you see in this post is brought to you by my new toy :)

So, here are a few things that have been happening in our little world---

EXPLOITATION of My OCD/Color coordinating issues......Jed thought he was hilarious. I really almost screamed when I opened the cabinet. You may or may not recall that I have a subconscious habit *problem* of matching Addie's sippy cups to her outfits......Yes, yes I know......

SWINGING (aka proof it was sunny for a few minutes)


DRIVING/POWERSLIDING- Daddy took things up a notch. He put the floorboard in her car so her feet wouldn't touch the ground and proceeded to run as fast as he could down the street with her over and over, powesliding and making sharp turns. Addie LOVED it......mommy? Well she was a little scared, but quite amused as well.

Hey, looking at this post, it looks like we've actually had good weather lately. This in no way is an accurate representation of the average weather and precipitation for the past two weeks. I'm sending sunshine vibes out, so let's hope that the forcast is correct and it'll come back this weekend.


Lori said...

you're isn't an accurate description, but maybe it's cause you're still shaking over the fact your sippy cups took a slight detour from organization land....

Netti said...

Ha ha, the sippy cup thing is hilarious. I love that Jed took the time to mis-match the lids. So funny!

Can you even believe this stinkin' rain? Argh. Makes me so mad, we only get a few months of good sunshine as it is, and here the rain is, stealing precious sunshine away from us! I hope it comes back soon. I'll send out sunshine vibes as well.

Megan said...

Anna color coordinates everything in my cupboards and with her toys - you guys should be friends ;) Even when I dress her, she asks if it matches. That can't be normal for a 2 year old! LOL. I have been having a love/hate relationship with this rain. Plus people keep telling me that your chances of labor increase with storms cause of the pressure or something - they are ALL LIES! Stop getting my hopes up people!! Woa. Sorry for the random venting session by me.

Melissa Rees said...

Umm I coordinate binky clips to outfits, so don't feel bad! It's ok to be neurotic.

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

The world is a much better place when everything matches :)

McBride Family said...

the coloring coordinating is hilarious! i have been bad with that but have yet to go that far. so funny and what a stinker jed is for doing that - joe totally would too

Janiel said...

Thats funny that you match the sippy cups to her outfit. It is actually a good idea :)

Niki said...

I can't decide if Lizzie is past the age of getting a cosy coupe, it looks like fun!

C and C Young said...

Your blackberry and my iphone don't communicate...I coudn't see any pics--sad. Anyway, I love the sippy cup thing--highlarious. Chadd won't let me do stuff like that either...lame. Yeah and maddux is screaming right now pointing to the cozy coupe...jealous.