Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer found!

Wahoo Summer is FINALLY here!!! Yesterday was Founder's Day in Pleasant View and we had a FULL day of playing! I always feel like Founder's Day officially starts all the summer fun. I was excited that Addie was big enough to enjoy it this year.

We started the day with the parade. Papa Steve and Whitney came with us which was fun! We also saw Niki and Brian and their cute little family there, along with all of Papa Steve's peeps. (that's Whit in the picture, not I'm not 7 months pregnant Haha!)
What is that face exactly? Haha, I'm not positive, but it was something about saying "more" when she already had 3 sweettarts in her mouth. My kid discovered that the stuff the random people in cars were throwing, was indeed CANDY. She didn't really get into running for it yet, but by next week's parade I'm sure she will.
Chillin' with auntie Whitty at the parade. She actually SAT on her lap for like 10 minutes or more. This is not normal. She is usually so wiggly and busy that she never sits still. I guess she was entertained. Oh, and Whit had candy ;)

Weeeee!!! There were a few inflatable slides and bouncy toys at the parade. I only trekked up that thing once with her, but it was fun!!
(SO steep when you're carrying 24 lbs on your hip and trying to climb up that ladder)

After nap time, we headed to Beckam's birthday party, then to our friend's house for another birthday bash for my friend and co-worker. I knew we couldn't stay long because bedtime was coming soon, but Addie discovered THIS in their backyard
You try telling a kid no to that ;) Who am I kidding, if I had my swimming suit and wasn't the only adult willing, I would have SO been playing on that thing!
She LOVED it! She could play in that alllll day if we had one. It is awesome!

Check out this little dare devil! Head first!
We played for a bit, but then it really was bedtime. We put Addie down to bed at Steve and Dawn's and then Jed and I continued the good times sans kid. (which was so nice!) We roasted hot dogs and s'mores and watched the fireworks from their yard. Great way to end a fun-filled day!! Can't wait to do it again next weekend :)


Netti said...

Oh how I LOVE summer! So glad the sun has finally come out to play! I am way impressed that you climbed that slides ladder with Addie on your hip!!

Melissa Rees said...

Those pictures are so cute!! Yes, I was able to save them ;) You had such a busy day, but I'm glad I got to see you at Beckam's bday party!

Niki said...

Fun, Fun, I love summer too! Can't wait to see you this week again, thanks for the little mat Charlie loves it and she is already trying to scoot on the tummy time pillow.

McBride Family said...

that pool slide thing looks like so much fun. i totally would have gotten in with you. isn't it hilarious how much energy kids have? i love addie's matching outfit to chloe's too! looks like a fun day!

Megan said...

I am sad that I missed on the Founders Day festivities - we were planning on going. But I am oh so very glad that I am no longer pregnant, so I can't complain too much. Sounds like you guys had a jam packed day - I bet Addie slept well for you that night ;) And that water slide thing looks way awesome. But not as awesome as the picture of you two going down the slide together - you friggin crack me up!

Maria said...

You look so cute on that slide with Addie! Love it!

C and C Young said...

SO....I vote that you and I throw Maddux and Addie a party just so we can have those fun blowup things--Totally want to get in on that action....we could like celebrate 18 months or something!

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

Yeah for summer! That inflatable looks awesome and what a brave little girl. Love the excitement of you going down the slide.

Jenny said...

Cassi- GREAT idea!! We really should have a party with a bunch of us with one of those. Maybe we could use this one. It lives in PV. I really want to play on it myself next time!!
Oh and I still have a bunch of cute pics from the treehouse to post! I didn't want to overload my blog all at once haha

Megan- sorry you missed out, but I'm SURE that new baby boy is worth it!!! Can't wait to see him!

10zfam said...

i for sure would have gone down that waterslide with you-no fun haters here.
sounds like you guys had a great day

Chelsie said...

ah everytime i go to costco i want that slide! glad someone is enjoying it. love that she went down head first, atta girl