Friday, July 3, 2009

My little parrot

If you ever commit a crime, I'd advise never telling Addie about it. Not only does this little girl repeat almost EVERY word she hears these days- she remembers things! And remembers for a looong time!!

So just a warning to you all- if you say a naughty word, or something you don't want anyone else to know in front of Addie, your secret won't be safe ;)

For nearly 2 weeks she's been randomly saying "" because our friend Amanda took our pictures and had a monkey and ball to entertain her with. Seriously. So for once in my life I'm being very careful what I say! Lol!

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Melissa Rees said...

How cute is that pool?! I'm definitely gonna watch my mouth around ALL the kiddies!!

Niki said...

Who knew we would have animals instead of kids, you have a parrot and I have an elephant.

Maria said...

I agree: that pool rocks! It's amazing how kids remember everything! I can't wait til Deacon starts gibber-jabbering.

Megan said...

Haha. She is smart one that Addie! Just wait until they remember stuff you don't - nothing like be told, "I told you so' from your 2 year old! However, ROss likes it - he says this way he knows whenever I say something about him when he is not there. I guess the other day they were in the bathroom and Anna said, "Dad, your hair is everywhere! And Mommy is ALWAYS cleaning it up!' I love it ;)

Lori said...

i can't believe how much she talks. she's going to be rattling off paragraphs by the time i'm back in december. cute kid!

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

Oh, how I'm dreading that day! haha

Emmy said...

Oh, man - I can relate! Brynn has been in the parrot stage for a while now, and I have to be so careful! I feel so bad when I hear my sweet little girl say, "Oh, crap!" Luckily nothing worse than that yet! :)