Friday, July 31, 2009

7 Year Itch

Seven years ago today Jed and I were sealed for eternity in the Salt Lake Temple! I can't believe that much time has gone by. It's crazy how time seems like yesterday was my wedding day and I still remember it vividly. At the same time, when I think of how much we've done and accomplished and changed since then, it seems SO long ago.

I've heard that people get a "7 year itch" in marriage and get bored or discontent or lose a little bit of a connection with their spouse. Well, I can definitely say that I am even happier and more in love NOW then I was that day!

So here are my top 7 reasons I love Jed, in no particular order (warning: some schmoopiness may occur)

1- He is an amazing father and makes Addie so happy. He always takes time to play with her and I love that she looks just like her daddy.

2- He has a great testimony of the gospel and honors his priesthood. I love knowing that I have that blessing in my home.

3- His laugh. If you don't know Jed very well, you probably haven't heard this laugh because he's kind of reserved. But when he lets out his real, loud, not-holding-back laugh it is hilarious. One of my favorite sounds.

4- His unbelievable work ethic. I've never met anyone who works harder and is more willing to do anything to take care of his family.

5- His sense of humor and ability to always make me laugh. I am a firm believer that laughter gets us through the hard times in life.

6- His level-headedness (word?). He helps make me calm and see things rationally. Sometimes, I want him to just let me be irrational and not try and talk sense into me, but at the end of the day, I'm so glad he does ;)

7- He still treats me like a princess and takes such good care of me. I think often, as women, we want to say we don't need to be taken care of. I'm so glad that he does and I'm definitely willing to let him! Short story for an example of this:

When I was pregnant with Addie, we went to the Clinton days parade because my father in law was in the parade as a former mayor. We had breakfast in the park that morning, but at this point I seriously had to have something in my stomach every 2 hours or I got sick. We had finished the breakfast and walked around and were waiting for the parade and I said to Jed, "Oh I'm so hot"..... he reached into a pocket of his cargo shorts and pulled out a bottle of water he'd stashed there prior to leaving our house. So thoughtful!
Then, not 5 minutes later I said, "Is it weird I'm already hungry again?".....he reached into his other pocket and pulled out a package of poptarts!! Not even kidding.....oh my cute sweet husband knows his wife so well and was making sure I was taken care of :) LOVE IT!

Thanks sweetie for always being there for me, for helping me through the hard times, laughing with me through the happy times, and being the best husband and father I could ever ask for! I love you forever!


Netti said...

Ohhh, CUTE!!! I loved this post with my whole heart! I'm so glad you have such a gem for a husband! And I seriously can't believe it's been 7 years!! Time flies!

PS. Concerning #6 on you list - I ALWAYS say "Jesse, I'm not asking you to solve the problem, I just want you to listen to me complain." Ha ha, but he really does have good solutions and advice that I should listen to.:)

McBride Family said...

such a cute post - happy anniversary - i remember those days long ago when you two worked at the hotel together...good times

10zfam said...

what a great guy- happy 7th

Megan said...

Happy Anniversary! I am so glad that you found someone that makes you so happy :)

Niki said...

Happy Anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary! Just imagine me singing it it's really great. I can't believe it has been 7 years, wow you are old. Give Jed a big kiss for me.

Maria said...

Congratulations to you! You should also love your husband because he is a huge BTTF fan. Someday I'll get my McFly...

Chelsie said...

happy anniversary!! that was such a sweet post, you guys seem perfect for each other. i still remember going to your reception!

Melissa Rees said...

I keep forgetting that you got married only 2 years after us! Congrats! It seems to get better every year.

Janiel said...

He is such a great guy!! You guys are a perfect couple! Congrats on the 7 years.

Lori said...

Happy Anniversary friends. You two are perfect for one another. And yes, Jed's laugh is freakin awesome.

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

Amazing how time flies huh? What a thoughtful husband you have. Hope you have many more happy years together.

Amanda said...

Happy Anni! And actually we got married the day after you! We got married August 1st. Saturday was just crazy and I didn't get around to posting until yesterday.
I loved your list. It's my new goal to hear this laugh of Jed's...yes, yes it is.

Marilyn said...

Why do Mom's cry after reading things like this? I am SO very grateful for such a wonderful son-in-law and the sweetest daughter a mom could ever hope for. Thanks Jed for taking care of my little girl, your little baby girl and for being such an amazing strong person. I love you so much! Jenny your a wonderful wife and mother. There is nothing better to be in this world than that and you do it with flying colors! So proud of both of you!! I Love you all

Andrea said...

I loved this post, Jenny! Happy anniversary!