Saturday, October 31, 2009

gus gus, the super-mutant ninja mouse

Last tuesday evening, Addie was in bed, and Jed and I were watching House when I saw a little grey furry creature scurry out from behind the TV and around the corner in the pantry. Yes. A MOUSE. A MOUSE IN MY HOUSE!!

I'm sooooo not okay with rodents. I don't like them in the wild, in a cage and especially in MY house. I, thinking I was actually being quite calm, pointed and said to Jed "mouse, mouse, mouse!" He jumped up and went over to the pantry, opened the door and it went running back out and behind the TV from where it had come from. OH THE HORROR. He tried to see where it went, couldn't find it and after 20 minutes or so said "guess Gus Gus got away" NOT. COOL. Ummm, not sure that guys get where us women, well at least myself, are coming from. He told me to just put out a couple of traps and we'd catch it eventually. SERIOUSLY??
Oh and he also informed me that somehow the front door hadn't been closed tight the night before and he had come downstairs at 3am to it wide open. UH SCARY. At least I know how the disgusting creature invaded my house. Needless to say I put out two traps the next day (which was me being very brave I thought) and we never saw another sign of it.

Soooo fast forward to this Thursday night. A week and two days later. After our Thursday night shows, we went up to our bedroom to go to bed at 11:45. I opened the drawer to get out pajamas and when I closed it, out from behind the dresser I caught a black blur out of the corner of my eye from the dresser to under the bed. I really thought I just was seeing things, till Jed walked out of the bathroom, "did you see that??" Ahhhh!!! MOUSE in my BEDROOM!
Okay, first of all, how did a mouse even get up the freaking stairs?!

So as I sit ON the bathroom counter, Jed starts tearing our room apart trying to see where it went. I muster the ability to cross the room to the bed and make my post up there trying to see if I can see any sign of it. Nothing. Ugh. We were both sooo tired, but there was NO WAY I was sleeping in the same room as that thing. I don't care if it is tiny, or as Jed said, and "irrational fear". It's filthy and is totally throwing of my whole groove and zen and all that.

Jed went downstairs and got one of the traps and we came up with a plan to scare it out of wherever it was hiding and into the trap. Umm, so for future reference, mice are FAST and they're sneaky! Jed was searching behind our bed and nightstands as I, weilding a curtain rod (yes that's right) was ready to strike if I saw it.
I gently hit the wall behind the dresser with it on a hunch and there that sucker went again! Across the room and once again under our bed. (you know the kind sized, temperpedic mattress adorned bed that weights like a thousand pounds that we can't move)

I once again jump onto it and Jed starts trying to find/scare it again. This goes on for an HOUR. It would run somewhere, find refuge, then take us forever to figure out where and so on. I kept telling Jed "dude this is a friggin Ninja mouse! This is NOT Gus Gus!" of course then Jed referred to it as Splinter from TMNT. Yep, he's a geek, but I love him cause he was chasing a mouse around for me. I still think naming something you're trying to kill is a bad idea though.....

It finally ran back behind the dresser and so Jed put the trap at the exit and banged the wall again on the other side and there it went- SNAP! I'll now spare you the details of Jed "finishing the job" cause really I can't think about it or relive it. My heart was pounding so hard it is again as I'm writing this. Ha, yep, I'm a wuss. Alas, the mouse was dead. Dead and gone. I really just wanted in gone, but I accepted that dead would have to happen first. If he'd cooperated, we would have spared his life, but he didn't. So sorry Gus Gus. This is OUR house and we don't share with disease-ridden small furry things.

So after putting our room back together, cause it was torn completely apart, we went to bed. I serioulsy laid there for an hour before I could sleep. I felt so itchy, creepy-crawly, and had all sorts of adrenaline running through me.

I'm very happy that I no longer have to be scared to open the pantry or worry about seeing that thing. Whew. Please don't let PETA see this post blogging friends okay? :)


Janiel said...

Hilarous !! And I'm really sorry. I hate rodents too!!

Maria said...

So funny! Gus Gus (Happy Birthday! - my favorite Gus Gus quote.)

Mice are so not furry and friendly in real life. You need a cat.

Lori said...

I enjoyed the play-by-play on the BB, but the FULL story is even better. Ninja Mouse DESTROYED. :)

Megan said...

Eek! I would react the same way, though I am the same way with spiders. They all make my skin itch. I am glad you caught Gus Gus and all is well!

Emmy said...

Aaaah! My skin is crawling just reading about it! Kevin tells me mice are actually cute when you look at them up close...but I'm like you - they're totally freaky to me. Ew, shiver. Your story did make me laugh too though.

I have vague memories of my mom calling your mom over for help when there was a mouse in our house. I think she might have even called her over when there was a wasp in our house! (Both of which are terrifying creatures.) Glad you finally got rid of Gus Gus! :)

Netti said...

That's funny, as i was reading this post I was reminded of the story when my mom called your mom over to our house to help her get rid of some terrifying creature, then I saw Emily's comment and had to laugh! Sister minds think alike I guess!

Anyway, mice seriously are soooo creepy!!!!!!!!! I hate them. Just thinking about them running around on the ground makes me want to lift my feet off the floor. Ewwww. Creepy crawly's! I laughed so much when I read what you said about it being a ninja mouse, funny funny stuff!! But seriously, I hope this never happens to me, I'm totally knocking on wood right now!

Jenny said...

Em and netti- I totally remember that! SO funny. That your mom called MY mom of all people for help because my mom jumps on top of the nearest and highest surface at any sign of a mouse! Haha, that's funny you both thought of that. Oh and maria, sorry no cats in this house. We aren't "cat people" and we're both allergic. Although I really wanted to borrow one for an hour ;)

Melissa Rees said...

Duhhhh Happy Birthday!! k, I know Maria already said that, but being physic twins and all...I think the scariest thing about that whole post was that you guys go to bed at 11:45!! Truly terrifying.

Andrea said...

Oh, how awful! Can I just tell you how much I despise rodents of any shape or size? Aaaaugh! I'm so glad Jed was able to get rid of the Ninja mouse.

It's a funny story, though, as creepy as it must have been at the time! And oh, yeah, that was awesome that my mom called your mom for help with the mouse.

Jeff and Erin said...

This story did bring a smile to my face but reminded me of a similar experience Jeff and I had while living at "Heaven" (jeff's uncles shop)
It's funny that such a little thing can be so terrifying!

Pieces of Us said...

ewww. I would totally have freaked. When we first moved in our house and Derek told me there were snakes and mice on the golf course because of the pond I seriously wanted to move. Sick.