We had a very nice Thanksgiving! I hope you all did too. Jed's been very busy the past few weeks doing Christmas lights, so it was SO lovely to have a whole day with him and Addie. I made all my pies the night before (which rocked) so we got to relax in the morning until it was time to go to Jed's parents'.
We had Thanksgiving with Jed's parents, siblings, and his mom's side of the family this year. It was fun for Addie to be able to play with her cousin (well 2nd cousin?) Eden. Dawn made delicious food....mmmm I love Thanksgiving.....
After we all ate, Addie and Edie wanted to play outside. What a beautiful day it was! We didn't even need coats. It was so fun watching them run around. (NO idea how kid can run around after eating....)