Monday, March 1, 2010

Sweet singer

Addie is starting to sing more and more. I just love hearing her little voice. It's so cute. She sings so quiet and won't usually perform or do it when we ask her to. Usually it's when she's in her own little world. I love it.

I haven't been able to get it on video yet because she just starts singing and by the time I think about recording she's done. So yay- thanks to my trusty BB I was able to take a couple of short ones this morning and yesterday while I was getting her ready for church. Enjoy!

"Sunbeam" (aka Sunbeep!)
Apparently performing is tiring ;)

"Child of God" this one is SO quiet...I caught her starting to sing on her window seat and started to record.
like how she tells herself "good job!" in the middle? Ha, I do.

"Twinkle Twinkle little star" Only caught the last half of this performance. It's amazing what putting on a pretty dress does for a girl! She was twirling and singing all morning :) she kept saying "I'm going to sing dreams come true, like Cinderella" then would twirl and sing.

Oh I LOVE her.


McBride Family said...

i love cute little girls and their cute little songs! she's right, she did do a good job!

The Hills said...

Hey-email me and I'll send you an invite to our blog.

Megan said...

She is so cute. I love moments like these. I have to remind myself of them often when I want to throw Annabelle out the window ;)

Melissa Rees said...

So cute!! can't wait for lunch today!!

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

Those are so cute and funny! I love the "good job" and when she's kissing herself in the mirror. Ah, kids are the best! Thanks for the nice comment on my blog!

Unknown said...

Oh my heck...she is so freaking cute. Love her sweet little voice. It makes me happy and I am not even her mommy. hehe

Andrea said...

What a little sweetheart! I can't believe how much she's growing up. I love how she was kissing her reflection in that last one. And her singing voice is just adorable. Cute, cute.

Lori said...

holy cute. i can't wait to see her again.

Jodi and Dan said...

What a cutie! She has the sweetest voice. Oliver won't perform much for the camera either. :( I have to be really sneaky about recording him smiling or talking.