Thursday, March 1, 2012

Other January happenings...

Okay, so I knew I was behind...I just underestimated HOW behind I was. These are the last photos that were taken with my camera, which sadly has suffered from a tragic accident and has passed on....I'm pretty sad that I currently only have my phone as a camera, even though I use it just as much.

 Here's what we did the rest of January after Addie's birthday :)

Boondocks with Tristan

We went to Boondocks one day after preschool with cousin Tristan (excuse Addie's post-preschool disheveled appearance) They had a blast! 

Haha, Addie called this a "gas thing" my naive little girl has no idea what a gun is ;)

Rollerball is always fun! (except when you're 2 and you don't get that it's not always your turn)

Addie thinks it's awesome.

They could have stayed in the kiddie cave all day!

 Belated Birthday lunch and presents with Granpda Randy 
Addie was so excited. She got to pick where we went, so shockingly she picked chick-fil-a. We also went to Farr's Fresh and got some yummy ice cream. Fun afternoon with Grandpa!

She was thrilled about getting a pretty dress she could twirl in. She demanded to try it on right after this. 
She's SUCH a girl.

Pink sparkle shoes to match! Made her day. Seriously.

 Bryan's Drug Court Graduation
D-Money and Papa Dub

Tammie, Dalton, Chad and London 

Bryan and one of the judges who helped him a lot.
We got a bunch of other photos taken with us all together, but my aunt Janet took them, so I don't have them. It was a GREAT achievement for Bryan. For those who don't know his history, you can read about it here on my blog from 3 years ago. I'm amazed how far he's come in the past 3 years. I'm so very proud of him that's he's clean and sober and doing his very best to be a great father for London.
 I love you Bryan!!

Terra's Baby shower
I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I did snap a few. 
Here's Addie and Edie together in their Grandma Margaret skirts.

They love to play together :)

We had brunch (which ROCKED) Dalton looked past the bits of waffle I broke up for him and went straight for the big one and went to town. That one little tooth is getting over worked ;)

The cute candy station.
Don't you love the buntings Dawn made? Super cute.

I made this diaper cake for Dawn to give to Terra. Not to shabby for my first one, eh?
I thought the colors were super cute.

Addie taking pictures of us....which reminds me why I no longer have a camera.

The next day, we went back up to Grammy and Papa's for the superbowl, which consisted of one thing: FOOD. Jed made his famous pico, guac, and queso trio and Blake made some hot wings. We ended the evening with pizookies. I've been dieting, so that was a LOT of food lol.  
Jed with Dalton and Emmett. Cute boys. 

Dalton and Willey (the dog) have two common loves. Pizza crust and empty 2-ltr bottles 

I'll end this post with a picture of Addie and Dalton playing under the kitchen table. I love that they already play together. He ADORES Addie and frequently crawls around just saying her name over and over. 
(If you look close, you can see that tiny tooth on the bottom)


Melissa Rees said...

Ok that last picture is killing me! Dalton is sooo cute! And addie too :)

Megan said...

Your kids are so dang cute. I can't believe how grown up Dalton is getting. It really is the best when they play (nicely) together. My kids are doing it right now, which is why I can blog. Now if only someone would upate MY blog for me. Any takers? No? Lame.

Lori said...

dang girl! that's an awesome diaper cake. is there anything you CAN'T make??