Thursday, October 2, 2008

The 3's

I got tagged from Hilary and Melissa to do this and I decided that my answers were too I'm answering them for Addie instead. Granted she can't talk yet to answer me, but actions speak louder than words right? :)

3 Joys- Mommy, when Daddy comes home, Parties

3 Fears- Mommy leaving, Not getting a bottle immediately when hungry, Taking away the binky

3 Obsessions- Wires/cords, CUPS or cup-like objects....not sure why, but they're hilarious, rolling and rolling to find current desire

3 Goals- Crawling/Walking, Opening higher up drawers, Mastering not napping (mommy isn't on board with that one!)

3 Surprising/Random facts about my mommy- She has played and WON Star Wars Trivial Pursuit (daddy was on her team, but still.....not sure we should even admit that one), She isn't a "list-maker"....sorry friends, She hates cleaning but loves a clean house.


C and C Young said...

You are a good wife--Star Wars Trivia!!

Megan said...

I think this post if hilarious - you really captured Addie's point of view. LOL. I liked the 3 things she fears. Ross would be so proud if I were able to answer Star Wars trivia. What is with boys and that movie?!

Niki said...

Love it! She is getting so big, I absolutely love your pics they are so fun! Go Star Wars we married geeks for husbands. It's true the nerds always get the cutest girls!

Netti said...

I love Star Wars! I'm very proud of you right now!

PS. About my friend Lisa. She had her twins at 25 weeks. And the little boy, Beck, died a week later.:( The little girl seems to be pulling through though! Please do send me the link to your friends blog! That'd be great!