Sunday, September 6, 2009


After realizing that summer was about over and we still hadn't gone camping with Addie like we had planned on, we decided to take an impromptu camping trip overnight on Thursday night. I'm so glad that we got to get away, even for just a little while and enjoy the outdoors as a little family.
Our cute little camperAddie was so excited when we told her we were going camping, even though she had no idea what it was. She kept saying "camping!" Once we got up to the campground she realized what camping meant. Playing outside, running and exploring and mommy letting her get dirty.
She LOVED it!!
She was such a helper when we were setting up the tent. She handed me and Jed stakes and thought that the tent was pretty much one of the coolest things she'd ever seen. She loved rolling around in it and running in and out of it.

After we set up the campsite, we decided to take a little walk down to the lake and maybe "stick our feet in" Ummm, I guess we forgot that our little girl LOVES water! See the progression below that went from, oh look at the lake, to let's put a foot in, to our child RUNNING and DIVING INTO the lake fully dressed!! Daddy ran back to the site, got her swimming suit since I had to strip off her wet clothes, so we could let her swim. She loved the lake! If it wouldn't have been almost sundown, she would have swam for hours.

Mommy forgot towels, so Jed had to wrap Addie up in his extra shirt then we put her in her jammies and she cuddled with me for a few minutes and then she told me night night. She was ready for bed! Haha, we were worried that she wouldn't want to go down for the night very early, or that she'd have issues being in the tent alone. Nope. We laid her down in the pack n play and she just went to sleep. Yessss.

Jed and I had fun roasting hot dogs and marshmallows after she went to sleep and just hanging out by the campfire. There's something so relaxing about a campfire.

Good Morning!
The next morning we got up and Addie was ready to explore some more. I walked around with her a little bit, then we had some breakfast and got our stuff together for the lake.

Addie and daddy both hanging out in the morning by the campfire. Like how neither of them remotely posed for me? Not sure what either look is supposed to mean.
And, back to the lake...... I was prepared this time for Addie to jump right in. Of course this time she just waded in the water and played in the sand. Funny girl.

Addie befriended some strangers, then ditched the kids and just played with their shovel and pail. Seriously, Jed and I have never seen her sit and play with one thing for such a long period of time. Apparently, if I lived by a lake, she would never be bored. She loved sitting there shoveling sand and water into the pail then dumping it out again.

We had so much fun playing with Addie and watching her explore and enjoy the outdoors so much. She's definitely a happy camper :)

She said "camping" about 30 times in 20 hours.


Niki said...

So fun, we are going camping as soon as Bri gets back. Did you know you look just like your mother in the picture of you and Addie! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

Melissa Rees said...

Terry will not SHUT UP about camping!! He can't wait until Deacon is old enough to go. Me on the other hand...

Netti said...

Oh fun!! Oh my gosh, those pictures of her were melting my heart. She's the cutest dang camper I ever did see!! You guys need to make like atleast 9 more kids, cause apparently your genes together make the cutest tiny thing ever!

Lori said...

that's so awesome. oh how i love your girlie. i'm glad it turned out well and you had an awesome time. three cheers for camping!

Megan said...

I am glad that she was so awesome for you guys - that makes the trip slightly more enjoyable ;) The pictures of her by the lake at sunset are so cute!

Lacei Child said...

How stinkin' Fun!

McBride Family said...

looks fun! where did you guys go?!

Jenny said...

We just went to anderson cove at pine view. It is a good little kid place, cause it is close. We figured if she wouldn't sleep or something, we could bail and be home fairly quick ;)

Maria said...

I'm glad she liked it so much! There's nothing worse than camping with a bunch of party poopers.

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

It looks like your camping trip was lots of fun! I love that she had no fear of the lake. It is always amazing to me how they prove us wrong. Sometimes for the better! I am glad you were able to squeek it in before the summer ends.

Janiel said...

Oh I love camping too! It looks like a lot of fun!!

On a side note....are you in a different ward now? My aunt and uncle say they don't see you anymore. They were wondering if you are? :)

10zfam said...

how fun, we didn't get the chance to go camping this year with ryan's work schedule being weird so i'm super jealous that you went. that's awesome that addie is such a happy camper

Rhett said...

Thanks for sharing this. This is the best case I've heard yet for getting married and having a child... :)

Sounds like so much fun!

mlewrkmn said...

Addie is so cute! What a trooper/camper. We'll have to go camping together. We love it and it looks like you guys do as well.

Amanda said...

Suuuuuch fun pics! I love them! Glad you had so much fun.
And just in case you're wondering, Max STILL hates water. Yup. Addie needs to teach him the ways....