Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What's the word I'm looking for?

When things have been rough for awhile and you feel like you're just keeping your head above water while you try to enjoy life at the same time, but never truly relax about it all.......then slowly, very slowy, but surely everything falls into place and somehow works out.

Pretty sure that is the definition of a

My little family has been blessed. So much. I know that we all have trials and that faith truly does get us through them. I've been counting my many, many blessings recently as we've been struggling. Honestly it IS what gets me through trials.
Whenever I'm feeling like the light at the end of the tunnel is soooo far away, I literally thank my Father in Heaven for all my blessings. I start listing them as they come into my mind. When I realize that 10 minutes later, I'm still listing them- I KNOW that He IS there for me and IS blessing me.
It is very easy in this life to feel abandoned, alone or afraid of what's to come. I'm so very grateful that I never feel that way for longer than it takes me to get on my knees. I have had no idea how things would work out lately, but I knew with all my heart that they would.
Now they have. And I know that none of this has been easy, but I also know that all of what has worked out has been a blessing and that we're being watched over and taken care of. We always are.


Lori said...

i'm soooooooo happy for you. so glad everything worked out. YES!

Pieces of Us said...

I'm happy everything is working out! Yay!

Melissa Rees said...

Why aren't your new posts updating on my sidebar?! Anyhoo, glad things are working out! Did Jed get a job? I need details!

Maria said...

Blessings are good. Glad they're coming your way.

Megan said...

I am not sure if the details to which you are talking about, but it sounds like things are looking up and that makes me happy my friend. Way to keep a positive attitude!

C and C Young said...

FINALLY! That's awesome--wish you the best and hopefully details will follow!

Netti said...

I give this post a big thumbs up. I feel the same, when I'm barely keeping my head above water, I try to remind myself of my blessings too, and it really does help! It's nice when things have been so hard and then you get a little break for awhile and it all seems to work out. Good good. I like this.:)

McBride Family said...

I love a good uplifting message every so often - your post made me feel alot better about life! Thanks and I am glad that things are working out however that may be!

Jenny said...

Thanks everyone! Sorry, didn't mean to be vague in the post, just didn't want to bore you all with details :)

Looong story short- Jed has had a few jobs that have been okay, but now has a new full time job which will allow him to use his skills and excel. We're just very happy and it's been a long journey.

He'll still do Plutonium too, so no worries- we can still hook ya'll up!

Amanda said...


Jennie Taylor said...

Glad to hear it's working out! Thanks for the inspiring blog post!