Monday, August 11, 2008

Farr better than sweet peas

So Addie woke up today and her first tooth has popped through! Yay! It has been bothering her off and on and last night she was pretty upset so I was hoping it would finally break through.

Since the day Addie was born, her Papa Steve has been wanting to take her to Farr's Ice Cream. I have repeatedly told him that she's too little to have any sweets, especially ice cream, much to his dismay. Well today I FINALLY caved in! We needed to celebrate her new tooth!

We got her a little cone of peach sorbet since it isn't dairy. She only had a few spoonfuls, but far more sugar than she's ever had. Haha, she was a little hyper afterward.

On a side note for other paranoid mothers.... You always hear "once you give them sugar, they won't eat their vegetables." Well I'm happy to report that right after we got home I fed Addie some sweet peas, and she still loved them! I'm not saying she's going to be having sweets on a regular basis, but I know that the grandparents will always be giving her "tastes" of things =) Isn't that what they're there for?!


Melissa Rees said...

Too cute!! I can't believe she has her first tooth. Make sure you brush it!

Niki said...

I hate teething, just some words of encouragement she only has 15 more to go before you have to worry about her two year molars, it never ends! But on to cuter subjects Lizzie loved the phone and the remote too, and it hasn't stopped she has tons of toys and her favorite things to play with are her dad's palm or his stethoscope. Or anything under mom's sink which I can't find a baby lock that works so it is really fun. Just wait until they are mobile ah!
She is so cute I love reading your blogs.

Jennie Taylor said...

That's exactly what grandparents are there for! Just ask my mom--the Cheeto and Capri Sun Queen!!