Monday, August 25, 2008

My Quirks- Tag

The Rules:-Link the Person who Tagged you-Mention rules on your blog-Tell about 6 quirks of yours-Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.

I don't usually do these, but I guess I will today :) Cassi tagged me on this one. I tag any of you that read this :) More than 6 come to mind....

1- I sing loud in the car by myself...seriously. Poor Addie must listen to it now, but she mostly sleeps through it. We'll see how that goes once she can talk. Maybe she'll join in.

2- I LOVE LOVE LOVE lipgloss! I have a serious problem with buying multiple kinds of it. I have had to force myself not to buy it in awhile because I realize that I have 20 or more already....I am aware that it is not normal and that it is a problem. That's the first step right?

3- I am a planner! Whether it is a party, an event or just what I'm doing for the day I like having a plan. I have a serious pet peeve of a room full of people sitting around all saying that they don't care what we do. Somebody make a decision! LOL! When on trips with people I like to have things planned out for this very reason. I don't have to have an actual itinerary, just a general idea of what will be done each day. I also love hosting parties, dinners, or showers even though it is a lot of work. Maybe that's why Addie is the party girl that she is :)

4- I have to have my Blackberry literally within arms reach or I feel naked. I know it sounds pathetic, but it is true. Jed refers to it as my "crackberry" because I have a dependence on it. I must know if someone is calling, texting, emailing or IM'ing me. I claim it is for work, but let's be honest, I have to be connected to my peeps ;) Unless I'm sleeping or actually working I will always answer you in a very timely manner.

5- I have the ability to make almost any treat or dessert that you can think of. If chocolate is involved, even better. Whenever I find a new treat I like, I must have the recipe so I can duplicate it. I even go as far as improving upon them sometimes. I am known as the treat lady in the family. Brownies, eclair cake, rice krispy treats, cheesecake, cookies, s'mores bars, ect... I don't however cook very much real food. I leave that to Jed. He likes it and is good at it, why deprive him?

6- I like looking at houses. I know that sounds dumb, but given the fact that I have to see SO MANY all the time you'd think I would hate it. Somehow I still always want to see the inside of houses, maybe I'm just nosey. The only time I don't like it is when I'm showing lots of old stinky ones that don't interest me much LOL, that sound snotty huh? I also get sick of it when I'm showing the same people houses over and over and they won't pick one! (50 is the current record) I have to force myself to pretend I care at that point. Haha, evil huh? I love the parade of homes and seeing cool features in houses. It makes me want to build a dreamhouse- but I suppose that can wait....


Niki said...

I am glad that some one is a planner because I always have good intentions but you know me and my indecision. LOL love your post.

C and C Young said...

LOVE the crackberry comment--that is too hilarious. The parade of homes is SO much fun--those houses are so amazing. Sometimes Chadd and I walk through the model homes out here since they have new ones up about every six months.

Megan said...

I heart you Jenny. Remember when we would eat loads of junk food and even tried ice cream in our hot chocolate? How were we not morbidly obese then? What I would give to have that metabolism back - I think you still have yours, which I am super jealous of!

I am the same way with planning. How my husband and I have been together for 4 years is still beyond me in that aspect ;)

Fun post!

Jenny said...

Megan- SO true about how much junk we ate in high school. For the record, my metabolism isn't what it was back then. Needless to say, I can't eat these treats all the time anymore...but when the holidays arrive, I do turn into the pie lady ;)

Netti said...

We obviously come from the same gene pool. I am addicted to chapstik (it's not quite lip gloss, but close enough), love house hunting on craigslist just for fun, junk food is my passion in life, I am basically a walking day planner, the list goes on. Go us and our awesome similar quirks.