Monday, August 11, 2008

"Toys" Addie thinks are toys

So our little daughter has decided that there are SO many fun toys to play with. Unfortunately, none of them are actual toys. Case in point....

The Remote ControlIt is sooo much more fun than other toys. You can line up 5 real toys and the remote and without fail, she'll choose the remote. (note the actual toy in the corner of the photo) Don't you love her wild morning hair too? Haha, that comes from taking out pigtails then sleeping 10 hours.

Jelly Shoes
Why on Earth would you want to chew on a teething ring when there are perfectly good jellies to chew on. Seriously, these are her favorite things to chew on. Needless to say they spend little time on her feet.

Mommy's Phone

Doesn't she look so innocent here? That's until you notice the blackberry in her left hand...kind of hard to see sorry. And yes, that is her butterfly (actual toy) next to her being ignored.

She also LOVES all bottled water, Coke bottles or anything of the like. She thinks it is hilarious to watch people drink out of them and also out of glasses. She will dive toward any of these items. Everyone thinks she wants what is in them, but she just wants to eat the actual bottle. Silly girl.


C and C Young said...

Maddux loves the remote too--thank goodness he hasn't discovered the wonderful world of my phone! I totally don't buy the whole, "once you give them sweets they won't eat veggies" either. I heard breast milk is one of the sweetest things a baby can have. And if a baby can eat veggies after breast milk, it must be fine to give them some sugar.

Megan said...

I agree with Cassi. People told me that since I gave Anna sweet potatoes first she would never eat peas or green beans and she did and loved them.

I often wonder why we spend money on toys cause they all like that kind of stuff better. Anna loved those things, and still loves the phone and she is no fool - she doesn't want a phone the doesn't work. I gave her my old cell phone and she wanted nothing to do with it. Kids!

Netti said...

her "bed head" is my favorite!! I love when Emily's girl Brynn just wakes up and her hair is all messy and she has puffy eyes, it melts my heart. Gotta love them babies!!