Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fun times...

Here are a bunch of random pictures from the past week or so. Enjoy :)

We went to a concert last night at the Layton Ampitheater where Jed's friend Tibly was playing Bass in his band "Ryan Shupe and the Rubberbands". Addie went out cold with her daddy holding her- too sweet! She doesn't usually fall asleep with us holding her anymore, so he was happy to get some of the "good stuff" :)

This is Addie with Grammy Dawn and Great Aunt Tami and Terra's bridal shower last Saturday....Tami needed an appearance on the blog ;)

Addie and I woke up on Friday morning and I kept hearing the weirdest noise....we looked out the window and saw this huge hot air balloon right behind our backyard! She thought it was hilarious of course....don't you love her morning hair again? It was cool to see balloons all over the valley.

Lunch with the ladies....and boy. We went to lunch with my sister-in-laws Melissa and Tammy last week and got to see sweet baby Beckam. Isn't he a doll?! He woke up and I got to hold him....which Addie was okay with for about 5 minutes and then decided she needed mommy back.

And finally....Addie in her onsie that Aunt Ashley had to get her in Jackson. I think it's hilarious because I make a lot of "dam" jokes whenever we're driving around Pine View....I'm sure that it never gets old ;) Thanks Ashley- we miss you!


Lori said...

i'm in love with that shirt. we always make jokes when we come across the dam from van's parents house. they don't get old, do they?

i'm glad you guys went to the concert. we were sad it fell on a monday night. stupid night shift. :P

Pieces of Us said...

Haha I love it! That shirt is too funny. Addie looks like a little doll in that picture where she is sleeping in Jed's arms. So cute!

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

I love the onsie! and I love Addies hair. I love how you can and do so much cute stuff to it. My boy just has lots of blonde fuzz on his head. I guess it makes my job easier but I wish sometimes I could give him some nice do's.

Megan said...

I could NEVER see you making jokes like that ;) That shirt is hilarious. Anna's hair is starting to look all crazy like Addie's now that I can actually do piggies in her hair (hallelujah). Sounds like you have been having lots of fun.

Niki said...

Love it! I love how she laughs at everything. That is awesome so glad that you guys are so darn cute!

Rhett said...

30 years and I still make "dam" jokes... cracks me up!

Melissa Rees said...

My sister got me that same dam onesie! She got it in Canada. I laughed my butt off because you had just told me about it!

Jennie Taylor said...

How fun to have hot air balloons in your back yard!!

Netti said...

That onesie is AWESOME. I need to get one for my future babies!! Most definitely.