Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Addison

She was playing with her tutu and twirling today. Totally made my day.

Wow, this girl changes every. single. day! She is learning and growing so much it amazes me. She's almost 20 months! Not sure where the time is going, but is flying by......
Some new things she's doing lately......
~ Learning her letters-- she gets about 22 out of 26 right each time I show them to her. Honestly, we're not sure how she learned them all. The only thing we can figure is that her "Word World" show really does teach them to her. Thanks, PBS :)
~Counting- She loves to count 1, 2, 3....Weee....usually when going down a slide or running down papa's big hill. She's started to count to 10, with us prompting her, but always skips 4. Haha, this is because after 3 she gets all excited, then once we say 4, she'll continue to 10. "Seben" is my current favorite number that she says. Hee hee
~Rejecting Nursery-- Unless mom or dad or BOTH stay with her the WHOLE time...... hopefully we'll have a better update on that soon.
~Repeating/Remembering every word she hears! Yep, she's still a parrot. She's now saying more and more 2 and 3 word sentences too. Such as "I like it" and "where is it?"
~ "Self"- Yes, we've arrived to the toddler-wanting-to-do-it-by-herself stage. She attempts to feed herself with a fork (always fun and messy), wants to walk down the stairs facing forward like a big girl by herself, brush her own teeth and get off our 4ft high bed by herself. It's all quite scary :) but hey, guess that's how kids learn to be big-- they just DO IT!

~"Dip it!"- this is a fairly recent development. For the past month or so, she's decided that she wants to dip any food into something. Chicken and fries into fry sauce makes sense. Sometimes, however, she'll say "dip it" when she's holding cheese or a PB&J sandwhich.......uhhhhh into what child?? Haha, she's funny. But hey, the bonus is if she isn't eating, give her some ranch, ketchup or whatnot and she'll dip it and eat.
~Pictures!- She LOVES to look at pictures on the computer, iPod, Blackberry, or on the wall at grandma's house. She'll go through family pictures and name all her aunts and uncles and cousins. It's very cute. She says the names with such excitement and will even exclaim "Right!" to herself.
Oh I like her.
She definitely keeps us entertained and keeps us on our toes! She's tall enough to reach things on countertops now, climb onto chairs, and will attempt to climb onto the table if she's quick enough.


Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

Ahh--that picture is so cute!!

Janiel said...

She is so cute! The dip it is funny. I wouldn't know what dip sauce would go with pb & j :)

Lacei Child said...


10zfam said...

that's so cute. hailey loves to dip everything, usually she'll ask for ketchup.

Netti said...

I want to hear her say "Seben", I know I'd love it...she's a little baby genius it sounds like! Love all these new updates on her.

Megan said...

She is such a cutie and is in such a fun stage right now. Love the twirling and the tutu - she truly IS your daughter ;)

McBride Family said...

so cute - i can't believe she knows most of her alphabet - she's amazing! i love this age when they really keep suprising you!

Melissa Rees said...

She's so cute! Can't believe she is so big!

Lori said...

addie. man, she's awesome. i miss that kid. she's a smartie pants. i need her around reagan. :)

The Metz Family said...

hehe.... i love this girl... every time i see her she has something to new for me... OH DARN IT.. hehe that made my night tonight

Emmy said...

She is such a doll! I would love to hear her talking and counting. That age is so fun.

P.S. Aedan is a 'dipper' too! He dips his PB&J sandwiches in ketchup. No joke. It's foul, but he loves it.